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Everything posted by Xyrvyre

  1. I too am planning on building my own computer in the future. Unfortunately I don't have much experience in this, except when I removed all the parts from my ancient compaq and put them back in. Suprisingly, it worked. I'm hoping to build a computer that will be able to play Crysis. I have some idea of what parts I need, but some advice would be useful. Core 2 Quad Q6600 8800 GTS 640MB 2x 2GB of RAM (not sure what supplier) ANTEC P150 case It needs to cost less that US$2300 or 1500 euros (in other words NZ$3000) I'm also planning on getting a G9 mouse and a Samsung T10 mp3
  2. I'm not sure whether this is right place for it, but since the coming and going thread is locked, I thought I may as well post here. Oh well, here goes... I'm Xyrvyre, and am from New Zealand. My brother introduced me to the Dune series, games, and this site. I think he still lurks around here, posting occasionally. Last time he told me his name on this site was Beonid.
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