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  1. Now, that's an argument.
  2. Well... You have to bring arguments to back up your claim. IMHO, a TV series is a more suitable media for convey the ideas of this novel. People watch movies to be entertained and thrilled and studios produce movies to make a quick and cheap buck. As a consequence, in a movie, you have to cut a great deal of the material to streamline it in a few hours. However, I would like to see what would be the understanding of my favorite filmmakers of this book. For instance, what would be the Coen brothers view of Frank Herbert's universe?
  3. Who would be the best director for this project? Apart from LOTR Peter Jackson...
  4. Populous : the Beginning is the only RTS game I know where this concept is showcased. Apart from that, nada. Perhaps the "Total Wars" and the "Lord of the Realm" series...
  5. Hmmm... That would be true for most of the fighting depicted in the book, but I have trouble picturing infantry going hand-to-hand against a shielded building. :P Dune is perhaps the exception to this rule, the only place in the universe where shield fighting isn't applicable. And that is why Harkonnen and Sardaukar were caught offguard against the Fremen. If they were given time to adapt, well... I would like to see close-to-the-book alternatives to shield fighting as well as shield fighting itself, which means armored warfare must be limited to a minimum. Which leaves only infantry warfare backed by air support of all kind. And some special cases, such as wormriding Fremen. Base defenses would be mostly composed of traps such as pitfalls, vinetraps, etc.
  6. Favorite Atreides: Moneo Favorite Harkonnen: Vladimir
  7. Is Ian McNeice really that good as the Baron? I only saw Children of Dune where he doesn't have much onscreen presence so I can't really comment his performance... Apart from that, I saw him playing small parts as sympathetic characters in movies such as "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls" and "David Copperfield" causing me trouble picturing him as a ruthless and calculating antagonist. The problem I have with Kenneth McMillan is that his portrayal of the Baron makes him too different from the character of the book. He lacks this self-restraint, this Machiavellian aspect intrinsic to the very nature of Vladimir Harkonnen. In the movie, the only scene where he begins to show these traits is when he informs Hawat of the residual poison in his veins. Rest of the time, he floats, he screams and doesn't do much.
  8. Quote: "I can't say I see similarities between a multinational corporation and House Harkonnen... could you please explain?" I am not a specialist of economic matters, but I think both entities fit the same functions. If the world of yesterday was ruled by kings and nobles of all kind, the world of today is ruled by entrepreneurs and businessmen of all type. House Harkonnen exploits Dune for its Spice the same way corporations exploit this world for its resources. But that's only my opinion.
  9. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this... But anyway... If there are fans of 'The Sopranos' like me in this forum, what do you think of the idea of casting James Gandolfini (Tony Soprano) as the old baron Harkonnen? After all, both characters share similar traits and I'm not just talking about their girth... ;D One is a mob boss; the other is the ruler of a criminal House (which is not much different from ruling a multinational corporation). What's the difference?
  10. In the book, it is written that a laser/shield interaction may result in a subatomic fusion. What about a laser entering in contact with a suspensor field? Will the result be the same?
  11. If another RTS game about Dune shall be made, how would you represent the concept of 'shield fighting' as depicted in the books? Will it be similar to the shield the Protoss units use in Starcraft or the Ordos vehicles in E:BFD? Or shall it be showcased in a radically different way? In other words, how can it be faithfully close to the book?
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