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  1. Yey got it rendering in OpenGL. It was as simple as this: allegro_gl_set_allegro_mode(); blit(bmp_screen, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480); allegro_gl_unset_allegro_mode(); glFlush(); allegro_gl_flip(); Of course there was more window setup and a clear. All my OpenGL tools work now :). I used allegrogl binaries from here: http://retrospec.sgn.net/allegro.php
  2. I was thinking of porting the allegro stuff to OpenGL. OpenGL gets my vote.
  3. Stick with Rev51 for now (for bug testing reference), its the newest one to work so far without major bugs. Rev11 was the earliest exe I got to work, which is closest to Demo 3. Rev71 Broken. Mentat OK, but in game left mouse seems broken for building placement, instant build. Log says later briefings are broken. Rev70 Broken. Can't click proceed, left mouse seems broken for building placement, instant build, skirmish is the only thing that works. Rev61 Broken. Mentat stuff officially broken. Mentat has a blue box. Rev60 Broken. Extremely slow. Rev58 Broken. Extremely slow. Rev55 Broken. Extremely slow. Rev53 Broken. Extremely slow. Rev52 Broken. Extremely slow. Rev51 OK. Mouse pointer bug fixed. Prior revisions that seemed OK: 45, 40, 25, 24, 11. Bug that has been around since Rev11: * Modify ini.cpp. Fixing this bug will let you advance to the 2nd level. This problem is with Visual C++ Express 2005 - without initializing this string, it will be filled with corrupt data. Change: bool INI_WordValueBOOL(char result[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]) { // use INI_WordValueCHAR to know if its 'true' char val[256]; To: bool INI_WordValueBOOL(char result[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]) { // use INI_WordValueCHAR to know if its 'true' char val[256]="";
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