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Everything posted by CowboyNinjaD

  1. Do any of the books ever explicitly say what happened to earth (Old Terra)? I've read them all except the Legends of Dune trilogy. I remember vague references to it being destroyed, but they never say exactly how it happened. Anyone know?
  2. Read them in the order they were published. /simple answer to a simple question.
  3. I thought it was a pretty good read. In a perfect world, Frank would have been able to finish the series. Or maybe they could have found an author that could have mimicked his style to the point where fans couldn't tell. But that's just not the reality. Brian and Kevin do a good enough job. And no matter how great a job they did, fans were going to complain about it. There are some obvious inconsistencies, but most of them have been explained away. Even the old couple being machines and not face dancers. In the House series, the researcher working on amal says he sent face dancers far out into the universe. Plus the machines seemed to be working closely with face dancers. So maybe they're face dancer-machine hybrids. I don't know, but I remember thinking at the end of Chapterhouse, "Why the hell did some face dancers just try to catch that ship?" So I'm actually glad they kind of dropped that.
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