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Troy Alexander Mooney

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  1. Hey guys, i'm almost done doing my Atreides campaign LP so i want to do a co-op atreides campaign, cause i just don't want to go to ordos just yet, but i don't have anyone who'd be willing to do the whole thing, and hopefully we could do dual commentary also. I do LP series and a co-op series would be pretty awesome. If you wnt to know my playstyle or any more in-game info, then just check out my videos at the youtube channel called: JacksonFelblade, you can also find my videos by searching JFT JF-T, which is my Tunngle username. But i'm also just wondering, when doing a co-op campaign, does it use save files? or do you just select missions? like how would you save progress? If anyone is also interested in doing a Dual commentary in the series aswell, then send me a friend request at jacksonfelblade (yes same thing as my youtube account, i know :P) but tell me in the message thatyou're from here and give me your username aswell. Sorry for the long post, and i will cya on Tunngle, but until then... Keep on Gamin' Bros! JF - T
  2. When it gets finished i could help advestise it by making a couple videos
  3. Oh my god, Emperor has an active tunngle channel? awesome! after i finish recording my gameplay of the emp worm mission of atreides, i'll get right over there!
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