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  1. mod is dead
  2. I am taking a break until the 4th of january from this. Hopefully a beta will be out by then.
  3. Thanks greatly! I'll check that out in a few hours, going to do a bit of stuff with the rules.InI i've been working on. I've got a hefty chunk done actually, it's mostly just the harder concept stuff that's got me a bit stumped. (The supply dealie, for the most part) outside of that the only real help I may need is with icons, textures, and some sound stuff. (I was thinking of yanking some sound effects and buildmenu icons from from dune2k) I was also thinking of redoing all the superweapons into a few support things, like airstrikes/artillery etc. Less poweful of course.
  4. Progress so Far All houses: Force Recon Rules.ini complete. Machinegun and Mortar Rules.INI complete Atredeis: Commando: Rules.Ini Complete Harkonnen: Berserker rules.ini complete Ordos: Assassin rules.ini complete Weapons: Recon rifle turret, bullet added Flamer Pistol turret, bullet added Nerve agent pistol turret, bullet added, warhead added Machinegun turret, added Submachinegun turret, bullet, warhead added More to come!
  5. I am looking for someone to help share the load in making this mod go from a concept to a reality. More or less, I am willing to open up a google documents account, and post the rules.ini there, so those involved are able to work on that, (along with the appropriate corresponding file that controls icons etc.) Those interested, throw me a line as a private message, or toss me a IM. Thanks. Emperor: Sands of Blood Foreword: My goal in this mod, is to create a infantry based mod, that emphasizes unit tactics(to a degree), and expands greatly upon house infantry units in Emperor: Battle for Dune, most if not all wars are not won by tanks, jets, bombers, or any vehicle of any kind. In fact they are won by infantrymen. Therefore I see it fit that the battle for Arrakis is represented as such. Note: I have not worked out a plan for subhouse units, and I am extremely open to ideas in regards to that. Atredes: Commando- Armed with a Sub-machinegun, and can sabotage buildings. Slow build rate, Superior vs infantry. Force Recon- Basic Recon infantry, armed with a rifle. Machinegunner- Deployable Heavy infantry, armed with a pistol and a Medium Machinegun. sniper- Armed with a Anti-Materiel rifle, unarmed when moving. Rifle is instant kill vs infantry and weak to vehicles. Mortar man- Armed with a pistol and a deployable 40mm mortar Anti-Tank- Armed with advanced anti-tank missle launcher that has a slow rate of fire Riflemen- Armed with the standard assault rifle, bread and butter of any force. Elite Infantry- Armed with Pulse Rifles, and body armor, high build time. Excellent vs Infantry, Mediocre vs Vehicles Ordos: Force Recon- Basic Recon infantry, armed with a rifle. Assassin- Armed with a knife and pistol, superior vs infantry, stealthed. High Build time Suicide Bomber- Armed with a suicide bomb, large blast radius. Causes Chaos? (if it can be figured out) Riflemen- Armed with the standard assault rifle, bread and butter of any force. Anti-Tank- Armoed with advanced anti-tank missile launcher that has a slow rate of fire Chemical Weapons- Armed with a nerve gas sprayer, slow rate of fire but large area of effect. Mortarman- Armed with a pistol and a deployable 40mm mortar Machinegunner- Armed with a pistol and heavy machinegun Harkonnen: Mortarman- Armed with a pistol and a deployable 40mm mortar Machinegunner- Armed with a pistol and heavy machinegun Force Recon- Basic Recon infantry, armed with a rifle. Storm trooper- Armed with a autocannon and heavy armor. Good shock troops, cannot be supressed. Rifleman- Armed with the standard assault rifle, bread and butter of any force Anti-Tank- Armed with a advanced anti-tank missile launcher that has a slow rate of fire. Flamethrower- Armed with a flamethrower, explodes when killed. Berserker- Armed with a flame pistol, and Knife. Fast, no armor. High build time. Superior Vs. Infantry Vehicles: (All sides will have these units, despite how they may look) Armored personell carrier: Carries 5, armed with a light machinegun Infantry Fighting Vehicle: Carries 5 Armed with a automatic Grenade launcher and shield. Combat Vehicle Armored Hover Vehicle. House weaponry differs Atredeis: Sonic Pulse Gun- Fire Rapid sonic pulses, good vs infantry and vehicles. Ordos: Pulse Laser- Fires rapid Laser pulses, good vs infantry and Vehicles. Harkonnen: Cannon- Fires a high explosive round, good vs Infantry and vehicles. Supply Vehicle: Deploys into a supply depot much like an MCV would. (this has to be figured out) Game concepts: Supply: Each Infantry unit will have a limited ammount of ammo, thus forcing them to rely on supply depots (deployable building from supply vehicles. A soldier will automatically retreat to the nearest supply depot. (Not sure if it could be implimented) Medics: Infantry that heals other infantry, implementation is possible, however then vehicles are unrepairable.. Hm. Garrison: Like any army, you would need a garrison to protect your base, and therefore there will be no buildable base defenses. Light Vehicles: Infantry tactics often surround the use of an apc or Infantry fighting vehicle. While better than infantry and more durable, they will lack many things that the infantry has, such as the ability to hide in cover, etc. Crush: Most of the vehicles cannot crush infantry, as they are either skimmers, or simply too small to do so.
  6. That's a good point. I'll get on it. Once I have a roadmap entirely planned out. Wonder how bad it would mess with the game if I added new bullets/warheads..
  7. I am looking for someone to help share the load in making this mod go from a concept to a reality. More or less, I am willing to open up a google documents account, and post the rules.ini there, so those involved are able to work on that, (along with the appropriate corresponding file that controls icons etc.) Those interested, throw me a line as a private message, or toss me a IM. Thanks. Oh, and remember, this is an infantry only mod with few vehicles.
  8. I should probably come up with a name for the mod, as well.. >.> I was thinking: Emperor: Sands of Blood Or something along those lines.
  9. If there's a repair vehicle in my mod. ;) Which there won't be, to prevent such madness. Likely I will have it set up to be the reverse, where vehicles cannot be healed, but infantry can. I'll meddle around more with stuff. It's going to be a relatively long while before everything is complete or even possibly able to be submitted. Once The holiday madness calms down (I probably this monday) I will start working a bit more seriously on it. Right now it's the "figure stuff out" phase and so on.
  10. Also, through TibEd, I may have found a way to make a medic work. ^^ You just need this Command in the rules.ini Repair = true And on the units that you want to be repairable, you simply just set: CanBeRepaired = TRUE
  11. Thanks Atomicar, those are all good things to know. I'll scrap the medical unit, and simply just give every infantry very slow self healing. That should at least represent the field med-kits any soldier would have. This is very helpful indeed. I should, assuming the holidays don't eat all my time have at least a very basic beta going.
  12. Few Ideas I had whilst I was out today chilling at a coffee shop: Don't know if there possible, but they'd be relatively cool concepts: Different Options packages that you could upgrade your soldiers with, like gasmasks and stuff. Just a thought. Still kind of in the dark as to how to add units to each side. Even if it's just the ones that already come with the game that are instance models etc.
  13. Interesting, I like it. Though the AI seems to be a bit unbalanced. Keep up the good work.
  14. I've messed with the Rules.ini file a bunch, and so far i've figured out mostly how to change hitpoint perams,armor,weapons etc. So I have a pretty good idea how to make most of the units <DO> what I want them to, (except for some reason I can't get snipers to do what I want them to, which is to deploy to use the rifle) It's just the whole adding/removal thing that's all wonky hard. Not to mention changing the icons for stuff. I'm sure eventually I'll get some help on the whole shebang. For now I'll just keep my fingers crossed, and continue working on the mechanics concepts I'd like to implement. (Not to mention expand on the list of infantry units.)
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