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  1. Well, I guess I wouldn't sacrifice myself, then.
  2. I guess I'll join in the discussion. My beliefs include doing what is best for myself and my friends and family in that order. I really don't have morals, just do things for the benefits of the above. I act to cause happiness to myself and/or them or make sure that happiness happens to myself and/or them in the long term. Why do I seek personal happiness? Because I experience it. The experience of happiness is preferrable to any other experience. Now, happiness may be reached by being kind to strangers, giving money to the poor, and helping the less fortunate. As long as it causes happiness for me, it doesn't matter what it is, unless it prevents me from having happiness in the long term. I don't have a moral code, because it would restrict me. As for people I hate, they deserve my fullest efforts to eradicate, unless it prevents my happiness to do so. People who cause me harm should me harmed in return in about twice the amount of harm they caused to me. I don't think there is such a thing as true selflessness. Even the most "selfless" person helps others to achieve personal happiness. 1. It depends on who the person is. It depends on how far he/she is from shore. 2. Again, it depends on the above two criteria, only, since my risk is increased, it is less likely. 3. Probably not. I can't experience happiness if I'm dead. Although the killing of a loved one would make me unhappy in the short term, I would still be alive to cause happiness for me in the long term. 4. No. 5. It depends on whether I know and like them or not.
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