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Everything posted by poopshotgun

  1. Got some more stuff from a friend the other night: Starline Theorie Autechre
  2. Proof that living on the other side of the world changes your idea of mainstream :) Either that or I'm way behind the times.
  3. Yeah, I really don't like those people either. Another thing that really annoys me is people outside of my country who think that all Americans are fat, lazy slobs who own slaves and have a higher standard of living than everybody else in the world. Talk to my local corporations and tell them to send that cheap labor back to the good ol' U.S. so we can deal away with this facist wellfare state. I pay my taxes so that the roads and infrastructure are maintained (I am paying for a service.) I do not pay taxes to support an asinine war and the freakshow that started it (I get nothing in return that couldn't be gained through peaceful trade.) An actual free (as in freedom) market, and the globalism that naturally comes with it, would soon equalize standards of living across the world. To avoid "living off the backs of others" we need to ensure that everybody has a chance to create their own businesses, trade peacefully, and live their life as they see fit. Government regulation and myriad laws simply get in the way of that.
  4. I love getting really drunk and loud at bars so I can annoy the college kid who actually thought it would be a great idea to study in a bar. I enjoy my Vespa, no matter who laughs or applauds it. Besides, when seven scooter boys show up downtown it's bound to cause a scene. I hate all statists. Take responsibility for your own life, don't expect the government to protect you from other people's opinions, cause no intentional violence, and QUIT PREACHING THAT GOVERNMENT IS A GOOD IDEA!. The world would be a better place. As far as the child swatting post earlier, I completely agree. Pain is THE number one teacher we have. To anybody who's first language is English: LEARN TO FREAKIN' SPELL! And do try to remember your grammar lessons. The Dosadi Experiment > Dune. God Emperor of Dune > Dune. Dune Messiah sucked. My $0.02
  5. Define obscure. Not mainstream? Here's some of my favorites: Electric Six Lead Into Gold (good luck finding them...) Luxt Flesh Field Snog Kool Keith (and any of his side projects) Latyrx (and Lyrics Born) Natural Resource Bordering on Mainstream: Meat Beat Manifesto Front Line Assembly Skinny Puppy Pizzicato Five
  6. If you're interested in other Frank Herbert books, I would highly reccomend the following (in order): The Dosadi Experiment Under Pressure Destination Void The Santaroga Barrier In truth, I've never met a FH novel I didn't like, and I still have 10 or so left to find and read. His short story anthologies are excellent as well.
  7. I just finished "The Battle of Corrin" this morning and was quite pissed off. Although the book was somewhat enjoyable from a "space opera" perspective, it doesn't seem to correspond to any of the FH future. Also, I'd have to agree completely with some of Dante's other posts, the characters being unimaginative and forgetable. Personally, although I've never read any of his other books, I'd like to think that KJA is the one killing these books...
  8. I second the motion, read Dune 1 - 6 first. The later books I can take or leave, they're entertaining in their own right, but IMO not exactly well written nor conforming to the "Duniverse" as I think of it. Especially in the "House" books, you can pick out the two different writing styles between chapters. One is quite well done, the other has an infuriating use of the word "like" (as in "like a ripe grapefruit hit by a club" or something...) I can only guess who is doing what writing because I have never read KJA, nor Brian without his father. The styles converge somewhat in the Jihad books, which I found more enjoyable from a stylistic standpoint but less believable.
  9. Man of Two Worlds was an excellent read filled with smart humor (you probably won't be ROFLing, but there's plenty of chuckles to spare.) Gives me faith that Brian Herbert is actualy a good writer, although I haven't read anything else by him. Suppose I should in order to confirm my suspicions about the newer Dune novels (and who wrote what...)
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