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Borg Number One

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Everything posted by Borg Number One

  1. ...or simply take a phone book and look for Dune's programmer to ask him directly. ;) It is easy... ;)
  2. Hi Lance Boyle, ...it is really cool. :) After extracting the files from megarace.dat, I could play some .hsq tunes in RDOSPLAY. :) But it seems to be that RDOSPLAY does not have real/full support for MEGARACE .hsq tunes. ...ALARME.HSQ and DETRITUS.HSQ sound weird in RDOSPLAY. Furthermore, many other tunes will not be played by RDOSPLAY. Well, after unpacking the .hsq files, I could see that just some of them seem to be music tunes. Referring to the .hnm video files in MegaRace ( cryo.hnm , credit.hnm , fin.hnm , intro.hnm , ... ) they seem to be compressed too. Because they cannot be played with MPlayer's game-formats player for Cryo tunes. ( http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/samples/game-formats/cryo/ ) If you download : GAP's / Game Audio Player's " GMFCore " ( http://img.km.ru/bim/gravitus/GMFCore.zip ) and the Cryo decoder DLLs and register " GMFcore " (GMFCore.ax) then you can play the "new" Cryo .hnm , .hns , .apc examples: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/samples/game-formats/cryo/ CQRH501.HNS CRYO_NEW.hnm GRTH301.HNS cine007.APC cine007.hnm cine017.APC cine017.hnm depart_c.hnm ...in MS Media Player, Winamp or any other application which uses DirectShow filter. But MegaRace .hnm files and Dune .hnm files will not be played with the current " MPlayer Cryo Decoder DLLs " / " GMFCore.ax ".
  3. Dune's hsq compressed data is not inside the dune.exe. Dune's hsq compressed data is stored in *.hsq, *.agd, *.m32 files inside the dune directory. Did you just entered "dir" or did you entered following: cd c:cryo Then type: dir /S > mracedir.txt After this type: dir /O:N /S >> mracedir.txt ( in this case do not use: > ! Use double: >> instead.) Well, another person could lend me his MegaRace CD. The MegaRace CD has the same file structure / installation system like "Lost Eden". Because I also helped Olaf van der Spek while developing: XUCR ( http://xccu.sourceforge.net/top_index.html http://xccu.sourceforge.net/utilities/XUCR.zip ) ... I could use XUCR's "Lost Eden unpack"-feature to unpack the files from: MEGARACE.DAT Now, I will try some experiments. :)
  4. Hi Lance Boyle, 1.) Welcome to the FED2k Discussion forums / Dune2K Discussion forums. 2.) The batch file makes it easier to unpack all hsq-compressed files from Dune. So the batch file is not prepared for MegaRace. 3.) Well, if you can send me the MegaRace compressed files and a file/directory structures of the MegaRace files, then I will also prepare a batch file for MegaRace 4.) How to prepare the file/directory structure: Open the Command prompt and go to the company/publisher directory where the game directory is. (c:cryoMegaRace) For example enter following: cd c:cryo Then type: dir /S > mracedir.txt After this type: dir /O:N /S >> mracedir.txt ( in this case do not use: > ! Use double: >> instead.) Then, compress the mracedir.txt and the hsq compressed files (e.g. with zip) and send the zip file to me: borg_no -dot- one [at] gmx -dot- net 5.) PS: My Name is "Borg Number One" ... not just "Borg". ;)
  5. Hi. 1.) ...yes, this could be. The programming team maybe was lazy and forgot to remove code. :) Inside the duneprg.exe there are further filenames which do not exist in the Dune directory. ;) 2.) Cool... SQX unpacker :) Well, .sqx/.sdb/.agd/.hsq/.m32 files seem to have all the same "basic/base/fundamental MIDI like format" which is just different in compression method and instrumentation. Does this "fundamental MIDI like format" has a name or is it similar to another already existing format? 3.) Do you still remember the "special DOSBOX release" with RAW-Adlib grabbing feature you built for me? :) I took this to grab the Adlib port data to a RAW file while setting "Adlib Gold" in DUNE's Sound setup.:) This is the result: HEX content of outputfile.raw: 5241574144415441000004600480042104600480FFFF TEXT: RAWADATA...`...!.`.... You can see that following was sent to the (emulated) Adlib Register/Value Port 388/389 Register Value 04 60 04 80 04 21 04 60 04 80 (FF FF) Are these the "Adlib Gold"-checking commands? :)
  6. Hi. You do not belive me? :) Then, unpack (google: "LZ91" )and check the "DUNEPRG.EXE" ... then you will see the "kursk.hsq". :)
  7. Hi. Now, it is time to figure the meaning of the different files (and their file specifications). All file names will be described in their original compressed state and original filename extension. (Compressed HSQ/M32/AGD files can be unpacked with UNHSQ . ) Sounds: SD1.HSQ - SD2.HSQ - the turn over the page(s) sound from the Dune in-game book SD3.HSQ - war sounds SD4.HSQ - the water of life drop sound in the cave(s) where you can drink the water of life SD5.HSQ - SD6.HSQ - SD7.HSQ - SD8.HSQ - SD9.HSQ - SDA.HSQ - a nice low frequency sound from ... ??? SDB.HSQ - Paul - Usul Muadib- Atreides: "Father! The sleeper has awakened!" ( http://www.the-ocean.com/dune/sounds/awaken.wav ) The sound files in DUNE are stored in the "Creative Voice File" format. The sounds will only be played if you chose: "Sound Blaster (music + sounds)" in the DUNE installation program before. Music: ARRAKIS.HSQ - default/standard background music in many Dune scenes BAGDAD.HSQ KURSK.HSQ MORNING.HSQ SEKENCE.HSQ SIETCHM.HSQ WARSONG.HSQ - TAKE AN ORNITHOPTER WATER.HSQ - Scene: The Water of life cave inside a Sietch WORMSUIT.HSQ - DUNE intro (with text/introduction/history) WORMINTR.HSQ - DUNE intro (without text/introduction/history) The mentioned HSQ files will be played if you chosed: "Adlib music card" or "Sound Blaster (music + sounds)" in in DUNE's Installation (hardware configuration/GAME CONFIGURATION). After this, the dune.bat file calls/starts the DUNE ("DUNEPRG.exe") executable with on of the following switches: + ADL + SDB2207 (depending on the music/sound device which was set before.) *.AGD - DUNE music with Adlib Gold instrumentation and for Adlib Gold compatible devices If you chose "Adlib Gold music card" in DUNE's Installation(hardware configuration/GAME CONFIGURATION), then the dune.bat file starts the DUNE executable with the parameter "AGD388". Then DUNE loads "DUNEAGD.hsq" at the beginning and before playing any kind of music. The unpacked "DUNEAGD.hsq" seems to be a kind of DUNE music format file reader and player for the *.AGD files. *.M32 - DUNE music with MT-32 instrumentation and for MT-32/LAPC1 compatible devices If you chose "Roland MT-32 (LAPC1 midi card)" in DUNE's Installation(hardware configuration/GAME CONFIGURATION), then the dune.bat file starts the DUNE executable with the parameter "MID330". Then DUNE loads "DUNEMID.HSQ" at the beginning and before playing any kind of music. The unpacked "DUNEAGD.HSQ" seems to be a kind of DUNE music format file reader and player for the *.M32 files. ...should be continued. :)
  8. Hi. Inside the (unpacked) DUNEPRG.EXE executable file there is one more music file related string than existing music files. Following music file related strings can be found: arrakis.hsq bagdad.hsq kursk.hsq morning.hsq sekence.hsq sietchm.hsq warsong.hsq water.hsq wormsuit.hsq wormintr.hsq But within my original Dune CD/Diskette versions, there is no "kursk.hsq"??? With the help of Google, I tried to find other DUNE packages, but there are also no "kursk.hsq" files in them.
  9. Hi. To unpack all .hsq files within the Dune directory in a fast and decent way, just do following: a) build a .bat batch file (un-hsq.bat) with following content: for %%i in (*.hsq) do unhsq %%i ...and store it into the Dune directory. b) copy unhsq.com into the Dune directoy. c) run the un-hsq.bat file. PS: all packed .hsq files will be unpacked to the same file names but with ".___" extension. If you do not like the extension, then you can add following line to the batch file: ren *.___ *.xyz (.xyz is your favorite extension.) If you would like to automatically unpack all files to a certain sub directory (e.g. "unpacked"), then just add following line to the batch file: md unpacked move *.___ unpacked Example for a user friendly un-hsq.bat batch file: @ECHO OFF ECHO Unpacking .hsq files... ECHO. ECHO. for %%i in (*.hsq) do unhsq.com %%i >NUL ren *.___ *.unp md unpacked move *.unp unpacked >NUL ECHO Moving files with music data to "music" directory... ECHO. md unpackedmusic md unpackedmusichsq md unpackedmusicagd md unpackedmusicm32 ren *.hsq *.tmp ren *.agd *.hsq for %%i in (*.hsq) do unhsq.com %%i >NUL ren *.___ *.unp move *.unp unpackedmusicagd >NUL ren *.hsq *.agd ren *.m32 *.hsq for %%i in (*.hsq) do unhsq.com %%i >NUL ren *.___ *.unp move *.unp unpackedmusicm32 >NUL ren *.hsq *.m32 ren *.tmp *.hsq cd unpacked if exist arrakis.unp move arrakis.unp musichsq >NUL if exist bagdad.unp move bagdad.unp musichsq >NUL if exist kursk.unp move kursk.unp musichsq >NUL if exist morning.unp move morning.unp musichsq >NUL if exist sekence.unp move sekence.unp musichsq >NUL if exist sietchm.unp move sietchm.unp musichsq >NUL if exist warsong.unp move warsong.unp musichsq >NUL if exist water.unp move water.unp musichsq >NUL if exist wormsuit.unp move wormsuit.unp musichsq >NUL if exist wormintr.unp move wormintr.unp musichsq >NUL ECHO Renaming files with sound data to .voc files... ECHO Moving .voc files to "sounds" directory... ECHO. ECHO. md sounds ren sd*.* sd*.voc move *.voc sounds >NUL ECHO Unpacking all .hsq files to the directory "unpacked" was successfully. ECHO Press any key to continue pause >NUL --> The un-hsq.bat batch file also automatically: a) ...renames the sd*.* files to sd*.voc (Creative Voice files). To listen to the .voc files you can take Winamp, GoldWave or any other program which is able to read/play "Creative Voice files". b) ... moves all unpacked (.hsq , .m32 , .agd) MIDI like music files into: unpackedmusicagd unpackedmusichsq unpackedmusicm32 Because, unhsq.com expects .hsq files (even if you enter filenames without a .hsq file extension), it is currently impossible to use unhsq with file that do not have a .hsq extension. So, the batch file contains some code which automatically temporary renames all .hsq files into .tmp files, so that .agd/.m32 files can be automatically renamed to .hsq files and extacted by unhsq.com After the whole unpacking, renaming and moving process, all source files will be renamed to their original file names.
  10. Hi dvalin. I am really surprised, that you do/did not know the XMI format. :) The XMI format is a MIDI-format which was used in maaaany DOS ( and some Windows Games), like: + The Settlers (1/2) ["Die Siedler 1/2"] + WarCraft 1/2 (take "Wardraft" to unpack the in-game container files) + The 7th guest + ... Furthermore the XMI format has some "special features"[...] (loops and other interesting stuff). The problem: Nearly each game, which uses XMI files also uses instrument patches which will be loaded before the music will be played. So, the XMI files which will be played with Winamp's MIDI Plug-in or other XMI player software sounds (slightly) different than the original music which was played through the game's xmi playing and instrument patching routines. Before you convert XMI to MID it is necessary to know the instrumentation which is used in the game's instrument patches. Depending on which soundcard or music/MIDI device was setup in Dune II ' s configuration, different music/MIDI files (.c55, .xmi, .adl, .pcs) from the Dune II "sound.pak" container file will be used. Furthermore, we need an easy and fast possibility/utility which is able to find the exact XMI patches/ exact instrumentation in Dune II and an utility which applies the exact instrumentation to the converted MID files.
  11. Hi Monsieur OUXX. Well, because here it is 0:00, I will not be online the whole night. :) Either you try to get in contact with me via UltraVNC within the next half hour, or you let me know when you have time.
  12. Hi. Wow... google is really fast. The complete story: After receiving Mathieu BERGOUNIOUX 's (Monsieur OUXX) first eMail, I answered the eMail and took google to look for RDOSPLAY. I was really surprised that there are so many search results again. I also could find " RacePRG " and " MegaRace " related stuff (At the same time I informed Simon Peter and " Melcom " from chiptune.de about the new captured MegaRace RAW tunes...which were also captured from HSQ files) After searching for "UNHSQ" I could find this current forum/thread ... and google' s preview is really up to date. :) So I decided to register to this forum. EDIT: I received Monsieur OUXX 's email just right now. :) 1.) Yes, my interests are: + modifying BIOS files (BIOS code) (http://bnobtc.pix-art.com) + finding (exotic) unpackers to... + ... disassemble compiled (and packed) binaries + hearing, finding and ripping Adlib tunes; talking about Adlib (http://winamp5.de.tt/misc/adlib) -->many ripped Adlib tunes can be found here: http://chiptunes.back2roots.org/ + ripping midi data (Tyrian, etc... other ripped MIDIs and detailed MIDI ripping instructions/methods can be found here: http://mirsoft.info or http://mirsoft.info/gmb/user_info.php?id_ele=MTY0OQ== ) + working with pixel based stuff, icons, mini graphics/images etc... (I am a Pixel Painter. :) + finding/retreving "death" sound formats/sound systems (specs, SDKs, sources, datasheets etcs...) 2.) Yes I am currently in contact with Roman Delejsi. Disassembling RDOSPLAY and RAC RDOS Adlib Catcher will fail everytime you try to disassemble them. :) If you are a smart/ an intelligent person, then try to pack the RDOSPLAY / RAC executables with WinZIP/WinRAR/WinACE. You will see that the compression ratio is not really good. That is an indicator for an already compressed executable. ;) Another indicator is that you will hardly find decent strings in the executables. --> As a programmer/ game developer, I expected that you already know the tricks about packed executables. :) Well, because of respecting Roman Dolejsi 's great work, it is not honorable to publish more details about RDOSPLAY/RAC executables and their background information. (For those, who already figured out/who will figure out the RDOSPLAY/RAC compression method or other details, please do not publish them.) Monsieur OUXX, if you are interested in more details or disassembling RDOSPLAY 's built-in (HSQ unpacker/player) then, download UltraVNC (or compatible) and let me know when you installed it and when you configured your router/firewall (port 5900/5800 has to be reachable). If you are ready with installing and configuring then let me know and you will be able to reach my UltraVNC-Server and my Desktop via: http://borg-number-one.dyndns.org:5800 (Java Aplett for transfering the captured desktop data will be downloaded and instaled.) or: borg-number-one.dyndns.org (via UltraVNC Viewer) The password for the desktop sharing session can also be obtained via eMail. ;)
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