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What order should i read the entire Dune collection?
jmoussa1987 replied to jmoussa1987's topic in Duniverse
Ok thanks for the advice everyone. Don't forget that the DE was authorised by Frank Herbert himself. So it is very valid and relevent despite whatever the two cash cows say or do. -
As i am obtaining every Dune novel, either through buying or borrowing, i wish to read them all. What is the best order to read them? So far i have read Dune 1 and House Atreides. i think the best format would be : Dune 1-6, then preludes(ATR,HARK,CORR)? and then what order for Legends('Jihads')? by the time i read all these it will probably be almost 1.5 years i guess, depending on the frequency of reading on my part. After i have read these Dune 7 and 8 should be out then(considering how hastily BH/KA write these novels) and i can then read that which is best after i have read all the previous novels and have a good understanding of the Jihad wars. I have an eletronic copy(PDF) of Dune Encyclopedia but i refuse to read it until i have read all the books, otherwise it makes for a great spoiler and reduces the enjoyment and excperience of the novels(since i know what the hell is going to happen already). It is just like someone telling you the ending of a film before you watch it. I have only just engrossed myself with the Dune universe in 2006 but since i loved it so much i have decided to get more heavily into it(rather than just stopping at the first book which was fun because it followed the film). In fact i watched the film along time ago, even before i picked up the novel. enough rambling...
I was stalking my library(very small and limited resources) for some Frank Herbert or Dune novels when i stumbled across this book. It is SF novel written in 1986 by Frank and Brian. I have yet to read it. I have oly read the blurb and looked at the artwork. Have any of you guys read it?
Prelude Dune - House Atreides *plot summary*
jmoussa1987 replied to jmoussa1987's topic in Duniverse
Far from boring, quite interesting and intruiging. These reason why BH/KA have to repeat everything they way is probably due to the fact that some Dune fans have the attention spans of a 5 year old and need to be reminded of the plot and what is happening in the story. -
I just finished reading this book. I thorougly enjoyed it, good stuff. Next book for me to read is Dune Messiah and then i might read another Prelude. I will probably tackle through the boring Jihad stuff after i have read all the other books. By then Dune 7 and 8 will be out and the jihads should help with my understanding of them. I really enjoyed the plot of house atreides and it made me realise the significance of political alliances, secrets, bribes and treachery that exists in Dune. It was most enjoying to read. Here is a plot summary i decided to make to reinforce the main events of the story in my head. I hope you find it useful. Prelude to Dune: House Atreides Brief Plot Summary • House Harkonnen, led by Baron Vladimir Harkononnen is solely responsible for spice production on Arrakis and works under the contract of CHOAM and the Empire. • Under the employment of the Imperium, the plantolegist Pardot Kynes is sent to Arrakis to do extensive research and studies on the ecology of dune, spice and the worms. His dwellings with the native Fremen on Arrakis leads him to eventually becoming one of them and marrying a Fremen wife. • Duncan Idaho, enslaved to the Harkonnens on Geidi Prime, becomes sport for the hunting pleasures of the evil and brutal Rabban Harkonnen and his soldiers. Duncan finally manage to escape in exile to Caladan where he pledges his allegiance to House Atreides and begins to work in the stables tending to and looking after the Salusan bulls. • The technological and innovative economy of House Vernius is overrun and sabotaged by rebellious suboids, Tleilaxus and covert imperial Sardaukar who claim that the Ixians were defying the laws of the great convention .ie thinking machines. Of the very few Ixians that were managed to flee was the duke Dominic Vernius, his wife Shando and his two children. Shando is eventually hunted down by Sardaukar and killed. Dominic forms a band of his old military friends and travels to Arrakis to shed blood and avenge his loss of his planet and people. • The Baron conceives a child to the Bene Gesserit sister Mohiam to fulfil the select and meticulous breeding program regime that will summon the exalted kwisatz Haderach. The breeding program remain strictly confidential between only the Bene Gesserit sisterhood. • Duke Paulus Atreidis tragically dies in a bull fighting “accident”. At only 15 years of age Leto Atreidis becomes the new successor to Duke Paulus. • Fenring poisons the ancient emperor of the Imperium, Elrood IX, in a devious tactic that would promise the emperor a slow, insidious death that would take over his mind and body in a matter of years. His son, Prince Shaddam IV, is power hungry and impatient to reign the throne so he and Fenring see it as a subtle, unsuspecting way to become the Emperor. • The Emperor is secretly working with the Tleilaxus, who took over IX, to research an alternative form of synthetic spice which would in consequence brake the Harkonnen monopoly of spice production on Arrakis and promote self-sufficiency and economic benefits to House Corrino and the imperium. • The Baron Harkonnen discovers about the synthetic spice research on IX and devises and subtle and devious plan with the help of his twisted mentat Piter De Vries. He plans to frame Duke Leto Atreides by a most deceiving tactic which would inevitably erupt a full scale war between the Tleilaxus and the Atreides, effectively wiping out an enemy and destroying a possible threat to Harkonnen spice production and revenue. The plan was to make it look as if the Atreides had attacked the Tleilaxu ships through the utilisation of an invisible spaceship by Rabbon Harkonnen. Things do not go as planned and through a massive process of arbitrary legal battles called “Trial by Forfeiture” in the Lansraad court the accusations are finally dismissed by a testimony from the recently coronated Shaddam IV. Shaddam was black-mailed by Duke Leto who bluffed about having full knowledge of his activities with the Tleilaxu on IX. The Emperor Shaddam took no chances as information of this confidentiality could lead to the end of his reign as Emperor and severe punishments by the Landsraad
What are your opinions on the new dune books by BH & KA?
jmoussa1987 replied to jmoussa1987's topic in Duniverse
Ok i think this thread was a bad idea. I didn't want to get people's tempers up but merely wanted a point of view and opinion on the BH/KA partnership of novels. It is sad to think that this partnership is destroying the legacy of the orginal Dune. Looks like they aren't going to stop churning them out anytime soon. I hope they do a good job of Dune 7, they have all Frank's notes and drafts, all they need to do is write something half descent and fathful to the original novels.I guess i will have to read all new the novels before i can make a judgement on the quality of the writing. I think Brian is a good man and i have read some interiews with him and extracts. He wants to make his dad proud and continue the Dune tradition, he seems to have integrity and he is also an accomplished SF writer. It might sound prejudice but i think KA is just cashing in off the Dune franchise for his own profits and doesn't worry the least about the quality and integrity of the new books. -
I have been reading reviews on amazon and most of them rate the books as "boring, repetitive, unoriginal even a bastardization". Most of you guys here also seem to have a similar attitude and loathsome opinion of these books. The only post F. Herbert i have read is Prelude : House Atredies. I enjoyed the book thoroughly. It answered so many questions of mine that were left open from the other novels. I liked how it was set 20-30 years before the original Dune and you can see how characters such as Duke Leto were evolving and how Arrakis was still in its early days of Western man inhabitance and the ecology of dune was still a shrouded mystery. The novel kept me reading further and i never got bored with it. I rate it quite highly. Maybe it is the "Legends" that are woeful? or maybe i am just an easy man to please? lol Although the writing, creativity and overall experience does not compare to the master author Herbert i still believe that these books are above average and provide a good extension to the world of dune. Or am i wrong?
Hi guys, I have just recently got into the Dune universe and watched the movie and read the first book. I loved it so much that i am going to continue to collect and read all the Dune novels. I am fascinated by the epicness of it all and the intriguing storylines and characters. I have bought all the originals and have started to read part 2. I have 1 trilogy and 2 preludes. I also play dune 2000 on a regular basis. I have seen an original 1965 Dune book on ebay, complete with hardcover and in good nick, very very rare. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8757090718&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1 I have a good collection going which i hope to read and re-read. At first i was a bit confused and overwhelmed about Dune and its complex world but i am understanding it now.I'm getting obsessive but i love it.
That's a bit harsh isn't it? I have just started reading prelude Atredies and it is very good book and answers so many questions.I can assume the "Legends" explains the Jihad war and thinking machines which is often referred to in the original novels. It might be boring but i don't think that i would ignore it. Brian Herbert has done a good job at keeping dune alive. I guess i will have to read it soon enough...