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Monsieur OUXX

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Everything posted by Monsieur OUXX

  1. _ Please stop updating this thread. Please use our forum : https://sourceforge.net/apps/phpbb/dunerevival Sourceforge project : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dunerevival/ _
  2. Hey MrFibble, thanks for the offer! I was waiting to see if Forumers would be disciplined, and it seems they are since there hasn't been any polluting post after my last post. So, I find it easier to keep that thread unlocked (for example I just needed to edit it, and it would have bugged me to wait for you to unlock it). We'll see if that becomes necessary in the future. Thanks again.
  3. COME.ON. I keep deleting the original files from the folder, and they keep popping back up. I'll do it immediately. DAMN! fourth time in a week :D EDIT: Done.
  4. @Honza @bigs @md5 @Pierre Please have a look at our repository. http://dunerevival.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/dunerevival/ @md5: Maybe you should start using that repository instead of the ScummVM-hosted one (I still don't have access to that one, and adding more users to it will be very unconvenient)
  5. P. Clement commented on the way to read character facial animations from the files : If someone has more information on that...
  6. Perfect timing, I was actually writing a document that refers to all information sources we have, and your pages are a central piece of it, bigs.
  7. I HAVE CREATED A SOURCEFORGE PROJECT (with a SVN repository) URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dunerevival/ I will upload as much material as I can ASAP. Request access to me asap.
  8. Could we all agree that whether or not we use ScummVM and/or other underlying libraries, all the code written should anticipate hardware portability? I mean, really, not only as "yeah, yeah, it's very easy to do, we'll do it later" (we know how it ends - same thing for comments, lol) md5, maybe you could think of a way of taking honza's source and add some macros to be able to : - compile it for ScummVM (slower, with possibly some disabled features) or - make it standalone (all features enabled, faster) ? (depending on the macros enabled at compilation) Just a suggestion.
  9. Can you explain what's the fundamental difference between your logo displayer and P. Clément's logo displayer? Is it a matter of language, code structure, etc.? It's just to share the information.
  10. Option 2 is another way of putting what I meant. I like that idea a lot. But then again, I'd still be happy enough if we skipped the "original data files" part.
  11. Alright. I hate you all (just kidding) About the game logic, is it really worth it understanding the very little part that's not hard-coded, or should we instead start from scratch, with a small scripting language that we'd design? ("Paul talks to Character X, then sietch Y appears on the map", "Paul has had vision X, so room Y appears in the palace", etc.) Actually, I definitely want this script language to exist, so I'll be even more specific: I wonder if it's worth it making the script "understand" the very little part of non-hard-coded logic that already exists in the games data files.
  12. Hi all, Here is an old non-intercative demo of the video game Dune, by Cryo. It's interesting because it uses different graphics for Paul's face. Instead of using the face of actor Kyle MacLachlan, it uses totally original graphics by Cryo, that were then abandonned for the final version of the game. Cryo's logo also looks different. Here's the link : http://www.mediafire.com/?675gb18r86ytkds If it gets broken, you can request it again here : http://www.bigbluecup.com/yabb/index.php?topic=42485.msg564932#msg564932 Enjoy!
  13. Could one of you post a video of the alternate ending?
  14. Hi Honza! Thanks for expressing your opinion. Well, my answer will be very short : The choice of ScummVM was more driven by "strategy" than it was by technical choices. I was hoping we could benefit from the dynamism of a larger community. However, at the moment, you and P. Clément (the guy who wrote the little tech demo based on big's source) think that we should stick to SDL. That's 2 voices versus one. You win! :-D Do as you please. Talk to you soon! and thanks for your big contribution. PS: You make me VERY worried with the adoption of old programming styles and platform-specific assembly. The goal of having a small footprint is very noble, but I'm not sure it's worth it if it causes dead-ends maintainability-wise and portability-wise
  15. @Honza.c : Please keep an eye on that thread, as md5 finished converting the small tech demo to a dummy ScummVM engine, and did some modifications. I'd recommend you contact the user sev of the ScummVM forum and request access to his SVN repository, so that you can have a look for yourself.
  16. There's this md5 guy on the ScummVM forums who seems motivated to adapt the little tech demo to the ScummVM way-of-doing-things. Just keep an eye on it here : http://forums.scummvm.org/viewtopic.php?p=64232#64232
  17. Do as you please, but keep in mind that the ideal solution would eb to use the ScummVM chips emulators instead, and, more generally, the more standard the components, the better (use existing libraries as much as you can, for everything). Thanks Honza!!!
  18. Honza and other music tech guys, I think you'd really impress everyone here if you managed to integrate the music (extraction+rendering) into the tech demo I just posted... Do you think you can do that guys?
  19. Good news everyone! After big's, Ryomah's and Honza.c's dumpers, here is a brand new little toy released by my friend Pierre Clément. DOWNLOAD : - Option 1: Attachment to this post DuneReloaded 1.3.zip - Option 2: External mirror: http://shutupload.com/dl/bd2109a435e2/ DESCRIPTION : Dune Reloaded ============= 1. Credits 2. What is Dune Reloaded? 3. Installation instructions Credits ======= Author of the program: PIERRE CLEMENT Possibly includes (not verified) some source code from : - "big" 's HSQ file format dumper - "Ryomah" 's HNM file format dumper - "honza.c" 's LZ compressed files extractor All nicknames and programs above refer to the thread "Rewriting Cryo's Dune 1 : it seems possible !!! " on the Dune2k.com website. Direct URL : http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?/topic/17217-rewriting-cryos-dune-1-it-seems-possible/ What is Dune Reloaded? ====================== This is not a finished game. This is only a tiny tech demo meant to show the extraction and rendering process of Cryo's Dune original game files. Please note, however, that the dunes landscape rendered in the middle of the screen has nothing to do with the original technology. It's an independant Voxel engine (eye candy!). Installation instructions ========================= - You need to own the original Dune game * - Copy the game files directly into /Data/Dune - Run /Data/DuneR.exe If the Dune's files are missing in /Data/Dune, you'll get a runtime error You might also get an error if you're missing some Visual Studio files (not tested). They can potentially be found there : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9b2da534-3e03-4391-8a4d-074b9f2bc1bf&displaylang=en * Some people consider that getting the game from Abandonware websites is not a copyright infringement, and that such practices are tolerated by major companies regarding very old programs that are not distributed anymore. This is not true, and that's not the case for Dune. Dune has been property of Virgin Interactive, and is now property of Electronic Arts. You may not use this program if you are not a legal owner of the original Dune videogame. Compilation instructions ======================== - The code for extracting original game files has no dependencies - The on-screen rendering part of this tech demo relies on SDL
  20. Yes, but having a full source code (instead of simply run the game inside DosBox) could allow... A full revamp... Adding characters... Adding a story editor... Enhancing the AI of the strategy part... *Shhhh, don't tell anyone*
  21. Wow guys! You're doing an incredible job! I have absolutely zero time for the project... But I think nobody needs me here anymore lol. Honza: no, we don't have the compression algorithm/source.
  22. It's not going very fast... At least, the dumper is available for anyone to use the source code. The next things to do would be to make the music decoder's code more accessible or portable. If someone could understand the palette files it'd also be great. I've started writing a text version (no output, just textual return) of the game in Flash (Actionscript 3.0) to test the engine and then make it portable to any language. But, once again, it doesn't go fast! Yep. It would make it possible to add a Dune/Cryo module to ScummVM. It've started playing with the code some time ago and it's really not hard to do such a thing. ScummVM has already been ported to almost every possible platform, portable consoles in particular (PSP, Nintendo DS...) And yes indeed, it opens the door to all other Cryo games, even though reading HNM videos is another step!
  23. I've been trying to do that in the beginning but I'm too lame. :-) Don't worry we'll find a way.
  24. We have the exact routine that reads data from the uncompressed file and turns it into AdLib instructions.
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