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  1. none of these things worked for me... i have already tried all this... my screen is split... here's my dxdiag if anyone has ideas. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  2. if anyone has any ideas here's my dxdiag... [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  3. also, i just overlooked my card...it is listed as supported...any suggestions would be helpful.
  4. hey, by the way, here's my dxdiag [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  5. it's forceware v.81.98 driver for nvidia. my card is a geforce 6200. upon looking, i don't see my adapter listed as being supported probably should have checked that 1st. i'm going to try and find one that lists my card and see if that fares any better
  6. i'm having the same prob, but this didn't work either. any more suggestions????
  7. I have the same problem....dune 2000 is the only program it does it on.... have tried everything i.e. new drivers, all comp modes, ect....any ideas???
  8. well, i tried new driver and that didn't work either. any more ideas????
  9. You know, i'm having the same problem....tried all those things except driver.... maybe it'll work
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