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  1. Elec


    Hey Stefan, congratulation for your new job. I hope Dune 2 TM will not been forgetten, just sleeping, how you said. So, I visit this place regulary.
  2. Even more files to Demo2 ... [attachment deleted by Gobalopper]
  3. Here more files to Demo2 ... [attachment deleted by Gobalopper]
  4. Here the files to Demo2 ... [attachment deleted by Gobalopper]
  5. Hello, I just want add something to the Demo2, so please excuse my post in this topic. ;) You've done a great job. :) I played the Demo2 and I like it really. :) But for further improvement I will list some bugs I found: 1. If I have clicked on a unit and will then place a completed struckture, the mouse-cursor will being like in "move"-mode. 2. Some buildings (like refinery) weren't finished after the money has counted down and sound were already changed back (no more click-click-click-click-...). 3. It's impossible to start to create a building when I have less money than it will cost. 4. The money is still counting up, even if any harvester isn't in a refinery any more. 5. I let my harvester taking some spice, then I said to move to a place in my base. He did this, but after waiting 5 seconds, he autonomous go back to the spice and harvesting. Also he doesn't understands when I want him moving into my refinery, when he isn't filled up. 6. I played the first Harkonnen-Mission and won. On the following map-selecting-map is a bug: After I moved my mouse over an terretory and then over another and over another again, they start blinking now in another rythm. 7. I said my quad to move upon the darkborwn hills. I know he can't, but he even move to the border of them. 8. Harkonnen Mission 3: Ordos units attacking each other. 9. There a some grafics-Error around the radarmap (See attached file) 10. In the left menue ist still a gray button for troopers and soldiers 11. Sometimes my units couldn't move cross. 12. The enemy units didn't attack really. They come and fireing a little bit. 13. Therer is an mouse-errror on the mentat-screen, if I finished the last mission and had before clicked on a unit. 14. Atreides attack their own base 15. My rocketturret attack my buildings if an enemy unity stands behind it. 16. I can not drive over enemy footsoldiers 17. If I pressed tab+F2 on the mentat-screen, it begins shaking. 18. I missed the "tush" when i placed a building. 19. If I selecting a group and came with my mouse-arrow over the building-menue on the right; the build-menu will changing 20. I missed the outro after I finished the last scenario. 21. Why can I build strait from the beginning baracks or an wor? 22. The damage-bar goes into the negative site. 23. Sometimes I can't read the whole written text on the mentat screen. 24. My MCV can't expand 25. My devastator can't explode by myself 26. My units don't get into the repair facility, even if I said it to them 27. I missed the feature to say to my footsoldier and other units to attack a spicebloom, not move to it. 28. If I explored the map I can build concrete slabs and then buildings in an enemy base. 29. I don't understand the white symbol on some buildings (see attached file) 30. Why making the right side of the building-menue (units) approaching and the left side (buildings) not ? 31. Why using an alternative building order in the construction yard (i.e. the windtraps were always the last ones in the list) 32. I missed some mouse-over-text at the two bars near the radar-map: which value they have and what they are representing. 33. I missed the option (I know the are still no options) to make the upper information-textfield displaying continiously. 34. Can it be possible when I'm explore the whole map by pressing "F5" to getting an radar-map without build an outpost ? (Will be good for debugging) 35. In the original game the button "Yes", "No", "Proceed" and "Repeat" were just flipped over. 36. When my mentat says something before a new mission to me and I click on "Proceed" the mouse-arrow jumps insted to the center-screen instead being there where it was. 37. I can't on the "select your next territory"-map speed up the text-switching by clicking. 38. I can't say to my units moving there or there by clinking into the radar-map. 39. When I place an outpost, the map-incoming is in wrong order. First the white point comes, then he becomes a bar, then the map is visible (in light colors) and then the bar gets up to fullfill the rectangle, then the map ist visible with normal colors. The map should only visible at the end of the little movie. 40. I missed the "d-d-dong-g-g"-sound if I cant't place a buldiung where I want. 41. I missed my buildings and the white frame in the radar-map, even if I havn't build an outpost. last. Will I be listed onto your Credits ?
  6. Well, with Partition Magic is this still possible (and even more).
  7. Thanks alot, it works perfectly with DosBox (when you config it right).
  8. Hi, I have also trouble with Dune 2 under Windows XP: I can start the game and having no Sound, but Speech on Soundcard. But If I want to have the real Sound an Speech on soundcard. The game wont start. Maybe this depends on the EMM or HiMem ?
  9. I make three screenshot to showing what I mean. Please look at the attached file. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  10. First of all I would like to say how fantastic the Demoversion already is. I'm still ardent. :) I played the Demoversion and made some experiences: - My harvester should drive over an enemy footsoldier, but he didn't - I couldn't say to my harvester: harvest at this place, not move to it - The infobar at the top come and goes, I like it when it always there - I don't know if this is only now so: the time to building anything is very short. Even the construction is build, the money still counting down. - When I can't build (cause of less money) anything, I missed an "blik"-sound - If I select one unit and move my mousepointer over another unit, this one would not be able to mark, my unit want go to the place the other standing. - In the current state of debugging, need I an "show all"-shortcut, so my units hadn't to explore everything over and over again - I can't select a group and at the same time scrolling (to get more units into the frame) - Sometimes, the selecting of units don't work (unit will not selected) - When I say, a unit should move at the place where an sandworm is, it move to it. But then I couldn't selct my unit again, only the sandworm. Also I have some questions: - Why showing the complete build-hirachy-menue at the right side ? - Why new gfx ? (I like the old 8bit (?) style. Please make an menue-option in which everyone can change his personal gfx-set) - Why can I scroll right only at the completly right position at the screen ? There are some things, I think which can be improved: - An helping information onto the currently infobar (see above) will be good (especially when moving over some bars) - Diffrent mouse-types: When I say my harvester should move back to its refinery, the mouse should - A selected group: I can't say where to move in the map-screen (in Dune 2 was this possible !) - In Dune 2: If you lost your last harvester you getting a new one, plase implement this feature again Edit: - Diffrent mouse-types: When I say my harvester should move back to its refinery, the mouse should change
  11. Hello, I read the Roadmap with ardor. So, I will make some comments to the facts, that were discussed some months ago. @Dawiduh: Night: I think day-night-sequences sounding good, but it's hard to play this way. Some years ago, C&C3-Tiberian Sun and Earth2150 also would implemant this. At C&C3-Tiberian Sun but it's completly taken out, at Earth 2150 it's so realized that toward night the colors getting more darker, toward day, the colors getting more brighter. But floodlight projectors, lamps and so on weren't realiszed as it should be. @Dawiduh: Fatigue indicators, morale at troopers: I think such an high grade on realistic is nice to view, but hard to handle. I will show an example: After your troopers walked a long time, indeed, they can be tired. But how making them getting strong again ? Maybe after 5 minutes they have 100% health, but is this real ? I don't think so, because in "real" they had something to eat and to realx on, but in the dessert there isn't something like this. Example two: What would you do, if your troopers being disappointed ? Making an celebration ? I can't agree with this idea, because "Dune" will be no longer "Dune", it will be an party-game. @Dawiduh: Muliplayer: Great idea, I agree. You need to choose your enemy (PC or human), Enemyhouses, friendly and hostile Subhouses, map, number of units, techique-level, credits. C&C-Tiberuian Sun and StarCraft had an great map-editor. Instead of selecting every field with rocks, or sand, or... or... you can choose in an menue these diffrent defaults. Every time you click on "create" a new map will be crated. Such an editor is the best invention since editors exist. But this is all future-talk. @Dawiduh: New graphics for the units (maybe 32bit): I think an graphical update would be good, but I personal like the old style. I think a new unit-design will always change the feeling. I think this is an personal question. If you like the old ones, ok, and if you like an new version, ok too. In case of need, the old style can be implementend in 32bit-graphic, but not the other way around. So, I think there should be an menue-option to select the graphic-set. But genrelly you must make a differene between the unit- and the menue-style. @MrFlibble: General commands: I also like the idea to conquer one of the 27 maps and switch then an commander "on", which lead my units, until i fight on an ohter map. The whole gameplay getting more real, this way. @Dawiduh: Villages and towns of civilians: I think this is an great idea, but don't expect too much. On Dune are only the Fremen, who lives i Sietches, not big towns and villages (most not even overground). @Nema Fakei: Shortcuts Please, Stefan, realized this without fail. This is neseccary!!!!! @Gilneas: Units become ranks: Something like this make the game more interessting. This should be added, but not 200 ranks, 10 are enough I think. @Dawiduh: "Vehicle destroyed, crew saved": I think if you destroy an vehicle, the crew should die with it. In Dune II weren't such "Vehicle destroyed, crew saved" implemented. @Dawiduh: AI I think an right Ai must be created. If you move your units into an enemy base, they should move further, during fireing. After they reached their place, the fight againgst the attacking units in their "rank of destroypower" like this: First of all Devestators/Deviators then Rocketlauncher & -Turret then Tanks then Quad/Trike/Rocketrooper then Machinegun-Troopers (What abou Harvester and Ornis?). Emeny buildings like windtraps, Refinery, Light & Heavy Factory would not(!!) be attacked. They are worth to taking over them. @Winter Dragon: Old Dune Settings: I think the old Dune Settings line hitpoints, range, speed, costs, schould not be changed. This is the ground everybody(!!!) belongs to.
  12. Hello to all, first of all, I had to thank Stafan for his game and the guys who provide this forum. Stefan makes me a dream come true. I still remeber, alot of years ago, I played Dune II - The Battle for Arrakis and I get facinated by it. I played it over and over again. In my mind, I was creating a follower and started to read Gamemagazines and collecting facts. An unit here, a terrain there, an menue of one game, the handlingconcept of an other game. So I get a quite vision of the follower. My collection isn't big but well-sorted. So, an real follower doesn't exist until today (I feel Dune 2000 & Emperor are still remakes and technical adaptations). But, thanks alot to Stefan, an REAL FOLLOWER TO DUNE II IS COMMING :) !!!!! And I will be helping, as far as I can, on it. So I'm gonna start make comments on this forum. I love Dune 2 - The Maker already now, Elec
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