Gotta clear up some confusion here... If Frank Herbert HIMSELF encouraged others to form their own interpretations of his work, and even go as far as to write them (Encyclopedia), why is it so bad that his own son is continuing his work? Granted, the House and Legends series weren't as good as the original 6 books... but they're not without their merit. I don't know that they were meant to continue the canon established by Frank, but that doesn't make them the work of the devil. So what if they're a little simple when compared to the Dune masterworks? They helped bring a whole new group of readers to Franks work. They were my first exposure to Dune. I even thought that movie from way back when sucked ass, and as such wrote off the whole Dune franchise for a time. After reading those books, I got more interested in Dune, even sat through that terrible, terrible movie... *shudder* I knew however, that the original 6 HAD to be better... And they are, but they don't cause me to absolutley outright dismiss the work of BH/KJA. I've never read the encyclopedia, but I'm interested in some of the interpretations it contains. EVEN THOUGH it wasn't written directly by FH, it may contain some info I might find interesting, even if I don't buy it entirely (Face Dancer thing is a good example). In closing, why the damn fuss? Seems like a waste of energy to me. Like it or not, BH and crew are at werk on new Dune related material. Read it or don't... I don't care, but why the hell does it seem to be such a hot button issue?