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  1. ;) No sweat Stefan. Thanx for the info, MrFlibble. Let me elaborate a bit on what i've seen so far-> Firstly i've dled version 0.94 but i couldn't compile it so in the end i settled for version 0.91b1. The menu system is still being finalized in this version. No into or cut scenes or any other bells&whistles. Just a simple yet surprisingly good looking D2 clone (especially in windowed mode). There are some very nice improvements over the original: -build qeue on factories -you can set your unit AI (aggressive, defensive, stand ground and scout) -the ornis, carryall and saboteur are controllable -the interface is the same as most new RTS games(lclick select/rclick order) -the AI keeps its assault groups tight and focused -tanks try to run over the infantry, you don't need to order them -the infantry is a major force in the game (it is wise to build at least 2 barracks) This game makes me feel like i did when i first played starcraft. i'm very eager to see what the next set of improvements will be like.
  2. i'm not sure who is working on this but i have to admit i'm totally adicted. i have downloaded some other Dune2 clones, like the stuff made by Stefan Hendriks and DuneIV -> Dune Legacy is vastly superior for the moment. The new DuneTM should be good also, when it comes out. But it seems to be a solo effort so progress can only be so fast. As for DuneIV, at least the designer has a good sense of humor: "..this facility pastuerises the spice salts.." WT.. muhahaha! Dune Legacy is completely open source -> it will be interresting to see what the dune community does with it..
  3. i'm in the middle of exams right now -> about to finnish my Advanced Music Production course. Otherwise i would have started already. The guys from Bohemia Interactive promised to make all the stuff (maps, units and scripts) from old OFP importable staight into OFP2. One could start the mod now, test it in OFP and port/enhance it for OFP2 when released.
  4. Attempted the falconiusMOD way back. Also made second custom map released in the world, Rocky Throne, t'was downloaded 1276 times somehow. Incredibly enough my second and final map was downloaded 2135 times (making it the second most downloaded map so far, but i personally consider Rocky Throne to be the better map). Thus i offer my assistance with map making manuevres. Currently i'm contemplating starting a Dune2 MOD for Opperation Flashpoint in 2006 when OFP2 and ArmedAsault is released. The reason for this is the possibilities this game offers at present and what it will offer in the future. Check out www.thechainofcommand.com or www.ofpec.com To me this will represent a combination of the 2 games that has rocked my world more than all other games combined -> Dune2 and Opperation Flashpoint [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
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