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  1. no I destroy all, and he rebuilt all 4 subhouses!!!
  2. do you know, that is possible that the AI can have 4-5 subhouses?? in a game with a very difficult AI computer enemy had the computer 4 subhouses. I can also destroy all, but he rebuilt them? if you want I can show a screenshot, too!
  3. Hey I have some funny pics, too! Strong but less armor, because no self repair :( <img src="http://www.p2u.de/ingi/Bilder/ddd3rangflieger.JPG" alt= 3-grade Airdrone> It's difficult to get a 3-grade "HOLOGRAM"!! <img src="http://www.p2u.de/ingi/Bilder/ddd3rang-hologramm.JPG" alt= Hologram Minotaur> My special test-collection: <img src="http://www.p2u.de/ingi/Bilder/ddd3rang-stealth-collection.JPG" alt= 3-grade Stealth Machines> Airport 1: <img src="http://www.p2u.de/ingi/Bilder/ddd3aircraft2.JPG" alt= Airport 1 > Airport 2: <img src="http://www.p2u.de/ingi/Bilder/dddaircraft1.JPG" alt= Airport 2 >
  4. One or 2 hours... (if that was a question) Yes, emperor is super, but infinity long playing with always the same things, can be boring... I mean, emperor is a diversifed game and you can play it very long, but by long long playing some people could need more...
  5. Is nobody interessted in an extendet version? ... I know thats a topic like many of these kind... hehe... perhaps, nobody have lust to read this long topic with crazy ideas... hehe
  6. hmm...you have a sick fetish... You can also eat your brain like "D
  7. *lol* and how can I make it digital?
  8. where is my anaconda? :(
  9. A daydream and a lot of time to write...: Year 2015, a new Dune game is done! You have the biggest build option ever! The game is only a upgrading version from Emperor, with also the old units! But now you have more options in the house Atreides, Harkonnen and Ordos... Now you can upgrade in different ways, for example: more subhouse based, if you want. Or you can decide for a bigger airdefense based base! You can devide if it's efficenter to build middle machines, or a lot of cheaper units like infanrty groups or save money for a big vehicle! You have unimaginable possibilitys! You can also play on the subhouses home worlds from the house Ix, Tleilaxu and Guild, which are on an other galaxie (the guildtransporter can drive you in these galaxies ;-) )! The main houses have a extra new big super factory (in eartch) which is only a big door or clack (different by all houses) and drive the finished mega units from the earth too the earth surface! It's not to big, so you must think, that the units must can left the base and can go out by the sand-to-earth-gateways... The machines are abbr. big as a normal factory building! The Carryalls can't catch the mega units. Only some mega units are immune against special attacks (for example: like deviator gas or leech grubs). The upgrade emperor game has also more turrets and the Harkonnen have a repair pad like in Dune 2000, which can be upgraded for 2000 spicepoints - so you don't have to pay any more for the repairing on the pad! unit ideas... ----------------- Atreides Trike: Atreides Combat Tank: (with a weapon like the cheaper atreides-tower) Atreides Grenadier: Atreides Elite Infantry: Atreides Quad: Atreides Trojan Tank: Atreides Centaur: Atreides Scorpion: Atreides Cluster Tank: Atreides Zyklop: Atreides Cerberus: Atreides Hydra: Atreides Manticore: (a tank which can also fly) Atreides Desert Flattop: Atreides Extended Harvester: Harkonnen Missile Soldier: Harkonnen Elite Infantry: Harkonnen T-Drive: Harkonnen Shredder: Harkonnen Vulcan Tank: Harkonnen Napalm Tank: Harkonnen Obliterator: Harkonnen Annihilator: Harkonnen Armageddon Tank: Harkonnen Tremor Tank: (he shocks ans hit units by making tremors. worms like him ;-)) Harkonnen Holocaust Tank: Harkonnen Bat: Harkonnen Apocalypse: Harkonnen Sand Razor: (Mega big buzzaw with two assault tank cannons) Harkonnen Extended Harvester: Ordos Elite Infantry: Ordos Allocator: (infantry with cluster bombs with each 3 atreides moongo missiles) Ordos Lyox: (monster from Sigma Dragonis) Ordos Anaconda: Ordos Viper: (a Acid Tank) Ordos Ice Tank: Ordos Raider: Ordos Torpedo Tank: Ordos Python: Ordos Bison: Ordos Kobold: Ordos Crocodile: Ordos Mole: Ordos Dragonfly: (a ordos ornithopter) Ordos Sandship: Ordos Extended Harvester: Sardaukar Open APC: (in the APC max. 5 infantry units could fight with her weapons. The tank also has a weapon, too) Sardaukar Sniper: Sardaukar Fremen Traitor: Sardaukar Officer: Sardaukar Ideal Clone: Sardaukar Grenadier: Sardaukar Lion Tank: Fremen Exciter Tank: (2 weapons on each side like the atreides kinjal cannon. He can for sure lure worms) Fremen Bomb Boomerang Infantry: Fremen Siege Master: Fremen Ex-Sardaukar: Fremen Bene Geserit Witch: Fremen Archer: Fremen Cavalier: Fremen Shai-Hulud Baby: Guild Sandman Tank: --> Guild Sandman & Guild Sand Creature Guild Stardust Tank: Guild Supernova Tank: Guild Hypernova Tank: Guild Navigator: Guild Time Tank: Ix Big Bang Tank: Ix Parasite: Ix Upgrader: Ix Electrocuter: Ix Stealther: Ix Bubble Tank: Tleilaxu Queen: Tleilaxu Snail: Tleilaxu Maggot: Tleilaxu Ghola Tank: Tleilaxu Tarantula: Tleilaxu Moth: Smuggler Gypsy Tank: Smuggler Spice Thief: Smuggler Scavenger: Ix Parasite: It's a small light armored unit like the Ix infiltrator. It has also the same speed like the infiltrator. The tank has an small cannon, which works like the atreides kindjal infatry cannons. But the main meaing of this unit is, that he can drive in other units and can incur (absorb) the enemy. Than he can fight with the enemy till the enemy was damaged by fighting against his friends or other enemys... know if you want, you can switch out of the host and can search a other or better host! The special activation (for example: like the devastator self destroying or the cobra high tower, aren't possilbe... you need this option to switch out). The host looks like an normal replica unit from the ix projektor. A bit brighter. The enemy has also your play collor in this time. The Ix Parasite can self repair... but not so fast like the infiltrator... rather normal self repair. Harkonnen T-Drive: like trike, but with two wheels in front and one in the back... slower than a trike, but more armored! A weapon like the ordos dust scout! Atreides Scorpion: He looks like a Scorpion with caterpillars and has 3 weapons. The arms are 2 weapons like the trike (sandbike). In each hand one. He shoot with this weapon autonomous from the other (the 3rd) weapon. The 3rd weapon is in the prick and fires blue bullet balls. Every unit that it hit, scoots and drive away exact as by the atreides hawk strike! The bullet make directer hits than a deviator, also it fires in shorter intervals (that mean faster shoot intervals) like the deviator. When the emeny units drive away (with his blue field like the hawk strike) the scorpion shoots automatically with his arm-weapons, units which drive in his range! The Scorpion is very armored like a harvester and has the exact speed like the harkonnen assault tank. His bullet range is abbr. like the NIAB tank. But slow blue balls, like the deviator. Atreides Centaur: 4 legs and a rocket weapon which can shoot at the same time, 4 rockets like the mongoose in the same intervals like mongoose! Much biger than a Mongoose, with legs like the minotaurus, good armored and fast like an mongoose. Atreides Trojan Tank: A big, but weak tank, which can looks like an harvester. You must only search a collor from the enemy. He looks untransformated like a harvester alike tank with rocket weapon like the ordos BMT. At once klick at the Trojan Tank, than search anyone unit from the enemy you would attack, so your trojan tank transform in an same looking harvester and would change the collor into the enemys collor (the enemy don't realised if he doesn't see the transforamtion or ask himself 'why does a harvester come from so far?' or:'why drive the harvester so currious' ... all your units know your Trojan und doesn't attackt him, although the collor was changed). Than you can drive in the enemys base like a normal harvester, or a enemys carryall collect you off and fly directly in the enemys base! In the base you must klick at your trojan and he retransformed into an tank with missiles. Now make damage and than abscond by own or by transformating again and a enemy Carryall take you and fly you out of enemys base. Tleilaxu Queen: It's at beginning a small tentacle spider (not bigger than a harvester). It throw his tentacles in the enemy and but him in front of it. Now the enemy has the last chance to entcome... if the enemy don't move: a few seconds later the queen eat the unit and grow up. the queen grow up by eaten more units. The tantacles can also be thrown farther and faster, if the queen grow up. The Queen can be bigger as a worm... perhaps like a constraction factory building. It's very very slow. The first attack with the tentacles, hit the unit a little bit. The Queen is armored like a sandworm and can be stronger by the grade-points (< or << or <<<). This points arent dependet from the eaten units, but by the tentacle detroyed units! The Queen can 7 times (stages) grew up and make self repair! Carryalls can't catch them. Guild Sandman Tank: The Guild Sandman Tank is a very funny unit... it's a machine with caterpillars and has a lot of canal pilotages and cables on the top. It looks a bit like a star trek borg machine. The front has two arms and with these he can build electric sandmans, like the Ix Projector cloned. The guild tank use an EMP energie to collect and connect the sandmasses... Than a sandman will be fight for the tank with EMP balls. He throw the balls in the enemy. The sandmans are very armored (like elite sardaukar and better) but slow as an Tlailaxu contaminator und an ball is not stronger than an ordos mortar infatry bullet. He throw them in big intervals. The Tank has also an normal weapon like the sandmans EMP Balls. Every 15th sandman, was a stronger "sand creature" like the guildmaker... The Guild Tank can self repair. You can went with an Sand Creature in the Guild main building to can build sandmans and sand creaturs from the building. Guild Time Tank: He can drive slow, like a Sonic Tank and can only ever 10 seconds shoot. He shoot a gray electric looking ray, not farther like a shoot of a deviator. He had a good armor and slow self repairing. If a Unit is hit, the unit will be beamed in the future for 40 seconds, and comes back than at the same place or in the near of the same place (if the place is full), also with the same damage and state, which he had before the beaming. The Time Tank can also beam them self in the future, so if he is very damaged and his speed it's not enough to abscond, than he can beams them self for 2 minutes in the future and he beams back beside the main contruction yard by full armor and without leech larvas! ----What do you think about units like these??? I know some are crazy. If you have better ideas: write...---- ...to be continued...
  10. yes i think fremen are in smaller groups usefuller like sardaukars, but in big groups sardaukar can be stronger than big fremen groups. Elite Sardaukar can also attack flying objects... I like the fremen more like the sardaukar, but you must know that a fremen isn't much armored like other normal infantry. A sardaukar overcomes a complete minotaur-attack and some good kobrashoots... But I know, with the right strategie and expenditure of time fremen are more usefull! I hate it, when a fedaykin is riding a worm and lost his grade points... its a codex bug!
  11. The minotaurus bullet is weaker than one shoot of the Cobra! Test it on a neutral unit in slow-play-modus! If the ordos anaconda shoot constantly, it whould be a hard enemy. I think so abbr. 3 shoots in one second hehe. The normal Kobra has a backstroke by each firing... i don't know if it's better to switch-off this option by a faster rotation gun? casually: Have you ever seen an chaos-flash attact cobra? - it's look terrible, but also funny...
  12. It's difficult to make a model with rotation, which can also be lift up like the cobra and can shoot by lift down... Also, the Anaconda must be wider than the cobra, but not to big so that the anaconda can came out of the ordos factory building... the shootsound must also be in time with rotation. It's hard... If you really can create and integrate a new charcter, you are fantastic! I don't know programms like openGL or things like XBfVertV2K... are these special 3D-dune editors? if -yes, where to download :)?
  13. With the right strategy, all subhouses are identical strong... you can with the tleilaxu peeches easily attack open spicefields and contaminate the harvesters... or the stupid tleilaxe contaminators are sometimes good to stop infantry or stronger infantry-groups (like fremen sardaukar)... (but I don't use they often, they are weak and expensive and also slow. they only be usefull, if they are not less than 5) The Ix infiltrator is sometimes good, by open basis and sometimes to attac units... you can also make a 3-string and a lot of damage... somtimes they are good to detected secret units in front of your base. The Ix Projector can be very usefull, if your enemys are strong and slow. With dexterity you can drive away from the enemy, make some replikas of the enemy and attact him. I like to clone Harkonnen Missile tank, ordos laser tank, harkonnen catapult sonic tank or artreides minotaurus or niab tank or a secret normal fremen. But the missile tank replika is the best, because one shot is often enough! Sardaukars and fremen (fedaykin)are very strong in small groups. The niab tank is very strong. I think its the best subhouse-independet-unit...
  14. hmm, I think the SFX is no problem... I worked on other games with SFX instertion.. and its easy to edit the special effect... e.g. you can carry the cobra sound and but it in a musicprogramm serial together... The Ordos Anaconda is just an excito-model for new dune emperor ideas... just fun! I knew, it isn't easy to code a new emperor character... but its possible... perhaps I code this crazy charcter by my self... *dream* *lol*... Well, I hope a new dune 3D game like this would be made... although westwood studios are dead (or in EA) I hope EA create a new version!... As long as they didn't, I have to dream along... :((
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