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  1. I just spoke to Alchemi online, he is in and will try to arrange games
  2. (To be read with a pirates voice, well or Klingon would work too) I'd be honored to fight to the death with any one of ya! Arrrrrr. (Ok, pirate sounds cooler) Man I need a drink.
  3. Hey Guys, I just got the patch as well. I hate keeping cd's in my drives. I had one in the so long it renamed itself and became depressed and killed itself. Everytime I rebooted it, it whined and buzzed. Now I have the freedom to do what I want. "what's in your drive?"
  4. Hey Guns, Yeah, If you wouldnt mind uploading that somewhere, I'd appreciate it. I bought my copy of the game at a E-Boutique and it was the case and the CD's only, no books. I think that'd help me out some when I play.
  5. As far as ages of the oldest players online.... I'm not super sure but I believe I am the second oldest just behind Vodoo Daddy. I am 38 while he is 48 I think. I am currenlt working on my command center for the elderly which will feature a rest home for warriors who just don't give a crap anymore and want to die of old age and troops who were wounded in battle and only have about 1 day left to live. Just enough time for them to sign over there life savings to me so I can pay for the home.
  6. Hey Guy, Thanks for the kind words. I do appreciate it. Be it told with the divorce, the new girlfriend, the TWINS on the way and the new job, I havent had time to do much. I will be around for a long time though. I gotta tell you I came over from Starcraft thinking the game wasn't going to be as good as that. Boy was I mistaken. I most certainly enjoy playing with all of you. I also had an idea. I started an awards company, where I make plaques, trophies and different kinds of awards. If we were to hold contests and events, I'd be glad to make the prizes. The picture, well. I kinda did graphics for a living a while back and I just recently came across todays versions of the same programs (Adobe & Corel). I love doing that sort of stuff. Keeps me funny. LOL I thought of those captions in about 3 seconds as I stared at the photo. See you all online real soon.
  7. Fellow Warriors, Please check out my little picture of Vodoo and myself. I of course am the more agile one on the left of the photo while my elder counterpart is on the right hand side. Please just send check and money orders as no cash can be accepted, LOL to view the picture kindly click the link below. Thanks http://home.comcast.net/~mcornicello/Dune_9-26-05.jpg Have a wonderful day Yours truely, Whistler
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