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Solid Fox

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  1. Frank Klepacki - Unsuspected Attack (Thank you so much Bashar :))
  2. Hey Bashar, Thanks a lot. I tried to record it with a cable from my speaker output jack to the input jack. And it didn't work... So I tried a lot of things with my internet settings and CPU things... and guess what.. IT WORKED!! Anyway, thanks a lot man! ;) (I got the Unsuspected Attack on my harddisk now! Whoohoo!!)
  3. Hey I'm new here and I have a question... Is there a way to get the song "Unsuspected Attack" (the real one, heard on frankklepacki.com)? I've tried to record it with "Super Mp3 Recorder Professional 6.0" by "Admiresoft" (www.supermp3recorder.com) but it doesn't work... it skips and flips and does weird things... Bashar, you seem like a person who knows how to solve this problem. Do you have the song "Unsuspected Attack" on your harddrive? Or does anyone else have that song on harddrive? Or does anyone know how to get the song? (without to much trouble... :-) Any help is greatly appreciated and you can answer my question here, or you can mail me solid__fox@hotmail.com (note the two stripes, yes, there are two of them. so don't mail solid_fox, that's wrong, mail solid__fox@hotmail.com. It happened too many times... ::)) Thanks in advance! -Solid Sox
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