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Everything posted by sandcrawler

  1. We shall burn the Ordos into the gates of hell and sent them to prison planets and destroy them! Or throw them into the sand and let the worms eat them! THAT IS THE ORDER!
  2. Go buy a new disc or call westwood's tech support...
  3. Kill them! We shall unite all Atreides! We shall KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL until their extinct, then we shall burn their home icy planet in the gates of hell!! (hehehe....just a joke)
  4. Ok, OK, calm down Edric O. I'm not saying the Ordos are sucky and not good, besides it's my favorite house in Dune 2000. Maybe in Dune 3000, they would change it but for a high percentage, they would include Ordos, like the tradition of Dune rts games like you said. I don't want to have flames on a nice forum like this. Anyway, you have a cool website, keep up the good work.
  5. They should subsitude Ordos with some house from the book. No one need to be fast and sneaky, maybe House Corrino which has a particular trait of their own.
  6. Dune 2 and Dune 2000 was pretty close to the story but they made up Ordos...
  7. Open a paint program like Paintshop Pro and open Dune 2. Then exit the game or press Alt-Tab then paste the picture in the paint program. That should work.
  8. Remember Westwood registered for dune-emperor.com and .net and .org. That may means that there is another house that we can play like House Corrino. Maybe the Emperor wants Arrakis back and you need to use the Emperor to fight with the three houses because all of them also want the Spice. It must got to do with the Emperor...
  9. sandcrawler

    Check this out

    Nice website, anyway you took those pictures by yourself?
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