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  1. ok, first of all i'd like to admit my mistake and apologise. i don't know what i was thinking when i made this stupid mistake. it is true, iliescu wasn't president for 15 years, but for 10. I have read what edric said about communinsm and socialism and i do not agree with one thing. Communism wants to allocate resourses farly but efficiency is lost. Under capitalism thousends of companies fight for control over resourses and thus strive to find ways to use them as best as possible. A single organism cannot find a better way to harvest, exploit and distribute resourses better than thousands of companies that are compeating. It will lead to waste and inefficientness that gets worse and worse in time. This is way Gorbachev wanted to change the system. Unfortunatley it was too late. It was a coup planed by Moscow witch had agents in all of the goverments of the east block countries. Illiescu was the one appointed by Gorbachev for Romania. Him and his people incited romanians before the revolt started. I know this for a fact. Where my mother was working she saw how people she knew that were from within the party and the Securitate came and spread anti-Ceausescu pamflets. The proof about Gorbachev's relation to Iliescu can be found here: http://www.ziua.net/index.php?data=2004-11-17 (in Romanian - cauta in sumar) Maybe the Moldavian goverment may dissagree but most of the people there won't. They certainly wouldn't have dissagreed if we would have invited them to unify when they declared their independence from the soviet union, but Iliescu was more an ally of moscow than of his own people. Edric: "The stalinists never made good cars, for some reason (they had the means to make better cars if they really wanted to, but preferred instead to make very cheap cars)." Like Caid said, Fiat and Wv also made cheep cads but those were good cars. Our cars would come appart as they were driven away from the factory. Why? Mercedes and BMW have to compete on the market. to do so, their cars have to be better then those of the competition. Dacias, Zeldas, Ladas, etc had no competition on their home-markets. no matter how bad they were the buyer wouldn't have a better alternative. also, the workers didn't get promoted or had raises if they did a good job, noe were they fired if the did a bad job. The result came in the form of some awfull cars that you had to wait for years to get one and that broke down constanly He didn't? The "terrorists" were his people. even after the army joined the people and the securitate capitulated, the "terrorists" were still sniping people at random. In other cases people were turned against eachother. For example some people were armed and formed "patriot guards". They shot other people thinking they were "terrorists". 2 army platoons were orderd to fight eachother at the airport in Bucharest each thinking the others were terrorists. The aim of all those useless casualties was to produce mass hysteria and fear. When there is fear people look to a leader. That leader was Iliescu. That's why i think he should be in a prison right now instead of being president. And one more thing. Please excuse my English. It's not perfect but i think people can understand what i'm saying
  2. Noroc Davidu! ;D Communism is a dissease. There is nothing right about it. Unfortunately it is still present in our country (Romania) because the ex-communists ar still in charge. the president we had for the last 15 years is a former kgb agent and is personally responsible for all the deaths caused at our revolution. he is also responsible for not acting when we had the chance to rightousley take back moldova and the serpent's island. Our revolution was a more of a coup than a revolution.
  3. I could help too. i'm an artist too but not very experienced in computer art. :( i make music too. i think it would be really cool if there would be remixes of the original dune 1 traks in the game. i could do that 8)
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