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  1. Hope someone here can help me. If I run dune in compatability mode then I see a split screen ! The left side is on the right and the right side i see on the left ! If i don't use compatabity mode then dune is really unstable and crashes. I've got an PIII 600, 448 MB, GE FORCE 6200 128 MB and latest drivers. I've also tried a clean install of Dune2000. If anyone here has and ideas please let me know coz i want to get back online ASAP. THANKS FCAMPIONE
  2. so... a few weeks hard work, no time for Dune2000. Finaly some free time, wanna play, BUT NO EA pulls the plug. THANKS YOU GUYS AT EA.. don't expect a Xmas card from me ( or maybe well with some plague mixed in ! NOT REALLY ) But seriously if anyone can help PLEASE HELP US... and if there is anything i can do you know where to find me ( here or msn pipcampione@zonnet.nl ).
  3. westwood is dead but i think i've found a server from strike team still got to test it when i know it works will post again
  4. OK then the server seems to work with me. will try to play a game online with friend who lives close by in the next few days see if that works. should work with win 98
  5. THANKS for the offer... we'll have to try and sort a date and time out. if you don't mind after xmas coz i've got a really busy time now. any other news on the dune server ophrius ?
  6. have tried wxis but for some reason the connection drops after a about 30 seconds...have also looked for other servers but only found kali apparently also supports dune 2000. haven't got it working yet (think coz there are no other dune 2000 players on !!!!). can anyone help ??? THANKS
  7. hi ophirus so why don't we start our own server !!!!!!!!
  8. any way to find these hidden servers and how to access them????
  9. OLAF have tried that but did not work :'( could you offer any other advise please?? GUNNER i know my password !!!!!
  10. have followed those instructions but still get the you have fail to loggin message and the one about invalid serial number (i have original cd !!). Is there anything else i can try??? Any help would be appriciated. THANKS
  11. seeing as the dune2000 server is down then i would say the most playable feature of the game (online) has been lost... thus for now DUNE 2000 IS DEAD (sorry does the uppercase offend you ?) unless of course i have got it wrong and there is another server hidden somewhere that i can not find.
  12. have tried XWISC but i loose the connection after 2 minutes any other bright ideas??? is there a server that works
  14. this has been much longer than 5 days !! have tried XWISCbut after 2 minutes i loose the connection. does anyone know of another server ???
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