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  1. yes, it worked! :)
  2. Hy! Thank's for all your help shygirl4!
  3. Hy my friends... My BIOS is now upgraded:) ...I was in school, and i didn't have time..:) :) I just did like shy said...
  4. Hi again:) I am from Slovenia(not slovakia-everybody mixes that up)-that's in midle of deutchland,croatia and italy... I hope i wont have black screen after i update bios...:)... wish me luck...bye
  5. Hey, that's nice:)... Can you advise me, how to update my bios, and where can i find that update....tnx bye
  6. i can play it now...only this resolution works...1024 x 768 (32 bit) (75Hz)
  7. http://www.mvmservis.com/DxDiag.txt
  8. I've tried all avaliable resolutions, even 60hz, and it's still not working... i heard something about page file size, but i don't know how to change it... i have attached DxDiag, if someone can read something out...tnx
  9. ...i forget to tell that i have windows xp installed...
  10. Hello! I have Athlon1.9+, GeForce5200pro128mb, audigy5.1,... and i have problem with split screen. I tried to upgrade DirectX-9.0b and downloaded the new drivers for Graphic card...please help me... tnx
  11. Hey! I have the same problem with split screen....i've updated my graphic driver, directx9.0b, dune2000 1.06patch...and it's stil not working.....please help! thanks:)
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