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  1. I don't like the atreides. but I like Harkonnens. My friend takes the mick out them just because he likes fremen. I think he likes them just because there the most powerful faction. DIE FREMEN SCUM!!
  2. Does the person who plays gunseng also play adrian in little nicky?
  3. In dune they are mentioned. It just refers to them as makers of items
  4. tleilaxu_spy


    Is Piter a ghola? if so who was his original host?
  5. Why did FH make such a cool character gay?
  6. I like paul atreides. I hate muad'dib because his attitude annoys me in the film and in the book. But then again I am a tleilaxu fan.
  7. Bene Tleilaxu :-X
  8. Hate Muad'Dib.
  9. I first got dune 2000 with my computer, then emperor. I finally decided to read dune.
  10. Yes that did clear things up. thank you any idea where I could find a dune encyclopedia. (don't know if thats spellt right) ???
  11. IS the baron gay? He asks for the slave with the lovely eyes. When feyd tries to kill him he talks about the needle coming out when the slave gets close. Plus he asks for the slave to be drugged because he doesn't feel like wrestling that night! Any comments?
  12. On One of the harkonnen missions against the ordos there is a smuggler base near the south. Apparently they are neutral units. If you don't kill them but defend them to they send reinforcments to you on further missions. The are wearing brown uniforms.
  13. 'If wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets' -Gurney Halleck
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