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Everything posted by Nerdyy

  1. lol i downloaded that video driver.. is there certain place i download it too.. or install it to.. or is just an .exe prog and i run it from there.. if so where do i zip the files too?>/./
  2. aww thats crappy.. just what we needed.. lol i really wanna see how your server works out.. and if indeed i should pass the word onto the other leaders in dune. but well just let me know when it is up again@! THANKS
  3. i did set it to 800X600 ! i have it at 60hrtz.. umm i have that geforce vid card.. i play dune on my desktop and have no problems. i just dont know what to do. i have XP. i hear Xp is suppose to make that vid card work. but it doesnt seem to be working obviously. i dont know what else to do.
  4. i dont think the installation i did was right.. cuz its still showing that i have driver version so i odnt know.. i dont think i did it right
  5. lol yea.. but i train the impossible.. i give them b/o.. and then i tell them to practice on that.. once they have that.. come back to me and we fight making hteir unit control better..
  6. yea but.. your connection is horrible.. i remember people could run on 44k and 56k and have no problem.. now u must have high speed. so thats what sucks about it.. or else alot more people coul play also.. u know.. anything to draw more people in.. BiATCH
  7. why do i get split image when i start dune2k
  8. no funko i just liked the idea of a different server to connect through besidess ww.. cuz ww sucks.. and they dont care about dune anymore.. they want their more newwer games to have traffic.. so if we can get different server more people be on.. its a fact
  9. thats why you take your precious time out and help the son of bi*thces u know what i mean.. look at is as giving back to the community.. lol funk you newb.. haha see ya in dune u lame.. MuAH i love you!!! Chris
  10. hey babez!! do u have msn or aim or yahoo.. much easier to get ahold of you.. let me know some how.. and how come your ass isnt in dune.. the tournies are starting.. your fav... haha.. but yea installed those drivers.. i dontk now if it helped or not.. doesnt relaly tell me if anything changed.. um.. stil lgiving me the split screen.. so i dont know this just sucks.. honestly just sucks.. lol.. Chris
  11. u will find me as FoXnerd or SMBfattyz or fatboi377 .. hehe ok.. look forme..
  12. hey shy baby!!! how come u havent been in dune girl.. i miss you.. seriously.. but thanks for your help.. can u point me to a good site to go to download drivers.. u should know me by now im computer illiterate.. lol =))) after that i know the rest i think... Chris... nerdyy
  13. well dune what type of vid card you have.. can u tell me.. .cuz im thinking any of hte geforces wonht work with dune.. im not sure why.. but i think that might be the problem..somene help me on that issue..
  14. hi.. i was just gonna ask if you were serious about your patch.. the only thing i really likede about that.. was that u had your own server that we could connect through.. now i have the power to get the guys on dune that play now.. to go to yoru server.. it would be much easier.. cuz not all of them have high speed internet.. so let me know if u were still working on that... thanks nerrdyyyyy
  15. Iain u still here???? if u are.. what is spartan like. .can u give me a site or anything.. does it have any simularities of dune 2000
  16. I recently bought a lap top.. some reason i cant get dune to work on this thing.. im thinking its because of my vid card.. but the prob i am having is that when dune is installed.. i open itand try to play it.. it gives me a split screen.. and says something is wrong with the lcd screen.. now is that my vid card.. i have a geforce FX Go 5200 i think... should i get the ATI radeon 9000 instead??? Nerdyyy
  17. Hey guys!! just wanted to know that u will see my nick in dune alot (nerdyyy) i have been here for about 4 years now.. almost when it has came out.. we are having a "rebirth" in this game.. all the older players are coming back and more and more newbies are starting to come in.. i along with many others are training the newbies so they can become better faster.. so we can kick off these tournies that we are going to be having.. so i suggest you to come in and play.. its lots of fun... and play shygirl ... she is very good.. lol.. she just has slow connection.. she doesnt wanna get cable or anything.. so make some fun about that to her.. lol.. hope to see you in dune peoples.. nerdyyy
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