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Everything posted by exping
Empire Earth 2 is supposed to be a game having vey good sounds new features that other RTS games do not have , good graphics although it do not seem very extraordinary at first sight but most probably that is not its up-to-date graphics. Prince persia 2 in december 2004
Empire Earth 2. February 2005
Conclusion: since nobody wants to understand anything or very few: U should have understood the idea which is : Someone getting A?s by learning by heart does not mean that he has achieve a lot.Everybody who makes an effort in life will reach his objective but it may not be so for some. Many get E?s and did not learn preferring to go with friends and peers thinking which fingers are used to smoke or whatever. These people do not need any success till they realise what they are doing is bad. However for them it may be success as they did not learn anything and manage to succeed. On the other hand someone who has failed to achieve what he wanted although he had worked very hard (and this will work most probably had not been done on a long time basis because then he must have achieved what he wanted) does not mean that he is an idiot as now he knows how he needs to work and knows how to manage the time. This person may have got C?s or B?s OR A?s and he is not satisfied--- somebody scoring 80% and another one 98% will both have A?s and both can still improve . Moreover someone may have A?s and is not among the top in the society. MOST IMPORTANTLY THOSE NOT ACHIEVING SUCCESS( AND ONLY THEY WILL KNOW THAT) HAVE NOT BEEN KNOWING HOW TO WORK OR HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR A VERY SHORT TIME ( AND IT IS FOR THEM THAT I AM WRITING) WILL REACH THEIR GOALS IF THEY HAVE SUFFICIENT WILL AND HARD WORK AND PERSEVERANCE. DO NOT BOTHER WITH THOSE HAVING VERY GOOD RESULTS AND U NOT. NEVER COMPARE ONLY WHEN IT WILL MAKE you GOOD. Do not forget what Oscar Wilde said education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. ??????My response was sarcasm. It is clearly not a scandal that universities require that you take examinations. How else can they differenciate between candidates' abilities? Do you propose that universities should take whoever applies????? I said that the universities are setting exams and those that should have failed are being passed. And I never said that universities should take all applications. This is an institution and u like or not an institution which will never know which is the best candidate despite looking at their results before taking. What I have said most of u did not agree and I did not meant that those getting A?s through hard work should stop. @@@@@@@@@@These above ideas- conveyed -in conference-people not agree-hands were up-like firecrackers ?.. EWS sorry i now did not used sbd etc.. HAve a nice life now u people?!!THANKS however It seems for some of you that i am a student..LOL
What do u mean by eng lang has defeated you? Brilliant means cleversuccessful..... AND nobody or very few is understanding sth.I never mentioned directly that sbd having E's better than A's I ONLY SAID THAT IT DEPENDS ON UR WORKING OR WAYS OF WORKING. not someone getting E's AND not working and it is only he who will know that (i.e if he does not work). About the scandal i do not know . strange enough those(not all) coming from UK will say that it is a scandal.
Let me tell u sth : an'''''outstanding'''''' person(A) was qualified for a tournament of town. He had indeed a very good result. Another(B) one was not qualified as he was told to be less brilliant. PER A looked down upon PER B.He avoided him thinking that he is much better than B which is of course avery trivial matter. PER A is so arrogant and stupid and this attitude will finally @kill@ him. WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS NOT UR RESULT BUT UR WILL POWERR TO DO STh. Having A's are good for the stupid university but not... After all have u read the TIMES showing how good universities like Oxford in UK e.g are making their students pass exams and so on.
NOno finally at the end you had understand nothing or maybe so.Ambrose Bierce who i think was born in 1842 or 1843 said the brain is apparatus with which we think that we think. Everybody is born with the same intelligence but we must know how to exploit them. You are telling that a good result means that a person will work better than one not. A person won A's for his upper level schooling and how could he not work as well as the one who got B's. Results are really nothing for working ONLY for university which afterall is stupid. Someone having a good result does not mean that he is better than someone having a bad result. The contrary is moost sure right.
Exactly. Effort counts results no. However in this society it is the contrary because in fact no human being in this planet knows really what a person is doing: is he working hard or not. E.g a child having fun with his friend all the day is not necessarily not working as there is a further 12 hours left for another day to start.
"I think there is a problem with ur MOST and HARD" First most means there must be exceptions. I would rather say that those working hard ONLY may achoeve good results for him ( of course becoz a good result for him may not be one for me or for any other persons). Why the word only is so important is that there are those who work very very hard and do achieve bad grades---they had overworked which can be in several ways e.g not going out with friends after returning from home they go and work and work till late. Moreover does the one who have achieved good grades need congratulations : OF COuRSE NOT becoz the one praising these ppl do not know if the latter have achieved good grades for themselves.THe praise should go like this only seeing the positive aspect of the persons whether he fails or pass or whatever.
You guys are so praising those who have good results. BUT what really is a good result? It is not the same for everybody. One achieving 10 A's may not be as proud of himself as one achieving very bad results. In fact what is the difference between these two types of ppl: one maybe is learning more than the other one but this is not necessarily true. The one achieving BAD RESULT which maybe 10 A's (becoz he wanted to achieve 100 %) may have wanted to do too much after all.
The trick to like maths is to do calculations all the day. What i mean is that when ur mum tell u to buy something you remove a few pennies and then do the multiplication e.g buy 2and one quarter kg of carrots costing $50 per kg. All u have to do is to remove 5 pennies from 50 then multiply by 2.25 ..Or better still if u like history and not maths THEN make history in maths by recalling Euclid theorem of coure e.g.
Any new release: is there any good new game coming up for what i could have understood there are not at present (or at least for me). Certainly i do not like those shoot them up game ( action ) like doom3 trying to ""BAZOOCADE" someone thougout the game. i know prince is coming out in dec. at least a game with a melange of action and adventure. Total annhilation is probably coming out but the screenshots given out are poor for a game of the 21is century. HENCE any new game which is creating a chaos or a dilemma on to buy or not and which is going to be released this year or next year(a known title )
Then znyone know a real time ststegy game coming out .............
hope u become one then.......
at least nobody has said comand and conquer
approximately all persons here told a different game.probably it will better to wait for the end of this year...
do u think warcraft3 I do not think so. rather not incredible.Besides telling that blizzard is taking out warcraft every months i would say( all money) AND SOUND NOT THAT GOOD WARCRAFT3 IS NOT AFTER ALL A REAL TIME STRATEGY GAME.
Does anyone know a very good real time strategy game with very good graphics and very very good sound? Of course NOT COMMAND AND CONQUER OR STARCRAFT OR EMPEROR. HENCE IT MUST BE (QUITE) A NEW GAME. or maybe a new starcraft a favorite game does not mean a very good game with .....
then dune will be in a very despicable situation. I remember playing dune 2 in 1993 IT WAS REALLY THE FIRST BEST REAL TIME STRATEGY EVER MADE NOW....
does anyone know when another dune game will come out? Or a very good strategy game with incredible grahics and sound( of course not command and conquer or starcraft)
do not worry dark.. i have gone on the internet and played thx however
there must be one way man. then how can we play extremely ...... hard against comp. do not say put on attacker i want all them to ally
When playing on lan does anyone know how to make the computer players ally among themselves so that they do not attack among themselves? Hence it will be the computer against us and it will be much harder. thx
SINCE xcc server has provided the advantage of seeing who are playing without really going into a game this has caused real problem to dune coz many of us some i do know do the foll.: They press set then test then ok WHAT DO THEY see for emperor only 1. because of this many do not even host a game online and hence very few people play except at peak hours. Of course there was always very few players