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  1. i didnt like the Sci Fi channel Dune movies at all.i hated the casting,none of the characters looked like what i imagined.however it was very true to the story which was good.I really liked the old Dune movie.it wasnt to true to the story but i liked the way it was made and the casting was good too.the dune books are very wierd and trippy and so was the older Dune movie.
  2. to attack the Harkonnen make a group of at 10 or more(or less)laser tanks,also make a group of around 20 chemical troopers then storm the harkonnen with your lasertanks and kill all their tanks easily also take out their turrets,this wont take long if you have a lot of fire power,you will probably lose some tanks in the process but dont worry.after this retreat your tabks to let them regenerate and storm in with your chem. troopers and kill all the Hark. infantry,go for the flamethrower troops first.
  3. Im playing as house Ordos and i just beat the Atriedes at thier capitol and now i have to defeat them on their homeworld,but its realy hard can anyone help me or refer me to a strategy guide website that could help me.im new to this message board so i dont know my way around yet.
  4. the Ordos are awesome because they can regenerate their units.i always use laser tanks in large numbers with 8 or 10 or more theyre so fast and strong against against vehicles.you rush in with them and wipe out all the big stuff and then get some chemical troopers to come clean out the infantry
  5. i had like 7 NIAB tanks once playing as house Ordos and i had them in the dessert about to attack the harkonnen and i went to do something else first and a big sandworm came and ate all of them.it sucked really bad
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