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  1. Again mvi thankyou for releasing these for me and the community.
  2. I need help can someone send me a download of all the misai files!
  3. hey dudes any of you know the value of the mission notices, like wwhen it say in the top right corner "Caryall spotted" things like that someone send me the values and the messages that the value goes with, Thanks
  4. Do You know the message values? Like "Carrallys been spotted" and those this cuz for mvi's .mis editor i wana make a message but have no clue what the values are.
  5. it didnt work i copyed the files and pasted extracted but there still messed!
  6. when i go on the edittor and extract he files the all blurry and i need to replace thefiles with the ones it gives me "D2k_tilesets" but how do i do that plz help me!
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