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Everything posted by kris

  1. I am going to share my favorite tactic. Build about 4 or 5 Ix Projectors and one sardaukar and one sardaukar elite. Make as many clones of the sardaukar as you want. They are free and can make a great attack. It is also pretty cool how the enemy will lose several hundred units and you only lose a few real units (a clones death doesn't count as a lost unit). This method is also useful if you play against an opponent that goes after you harvesters, you need very little money to get this started.
  2. kris

    The guild...?

    You can ally with the Guild, sort of. If you can take the Guild Palace with an engineer you can use both of the guilds units in the last mission. Note: The other enemy units will not like this and they will start an almost none stop assault against the palace. So, guard it well.
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