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Everything posted by k0rnkid420

  1. ok so whats this tron tank i keep hearing about? some one care to share? or you guys gonna keep me in the dark?
  2. i dunno if this was replied to this message or went off into its own topic, but im gonna post it again so im warning you that i may have made the mistake of posting it twice so dont yell at me or call me stupid for making a simple mistake...anyways.... I still dont know what the Tron tank is and im very confused about it, but Sven's right, you cant yell at the sonic tank's ai with out yelling at the flame tanks, flame turrets, and flamethrower infantrys ai. they do the same thing as the sonic tank, they fire their weapon and it damages buildings, vehicles, and kills most infantry. I think the chem. trooper does it to, but im not sure i havent really paid too much attention to them, but i think they do. Even though the effects of these units weapons are nearly as devastating as the sonic tanks, you shouldnt pick on the sonic tank with out realizing these units also to it so ok...i made my point ill shutup now
  3. hey whats an ordos tron tank? i saw it listed up there in the strategy and was just wondering...ok later
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