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  1. ok and what should i do there ?
  2. how can i do that from the begining ? ok do u want my icq ? 151747298 i will be glad to have you in my list.
  3. ok i will try it atm thx a lot :) I Installed it and i chose 1.yes for extended memory and 1.yes for mouse. no sound.everything was fine but still it doesnt work it starts there is black screen and then it quit.
  4. Its not even close to our reality despite the fact it is horrible there aswell. LOL, that's the funniest statement ever. The Israeli government aren't angels so to speak (neither are the plastinian, don't get me wrong). This is exactly the attitude why this situation doesn't get resolved. Your government isn't trying to make peace. Both parties seem to uphold the situation as it is. About the 'good guys' it was just as a characteristic. Now i will explain myself i meant that the palestines dont want any peace with us, they want to take control over all Israel include Jerusalem.This is the target of their's organizations like hamas etc... Atm there is delegation that try to make an agreement with the palestines but i dont know if its that serious.About the governments which both of the sides have are idiots,Sharon is doing wierd things and Arafat say something and do something else,despite the fact that he doesnt care about his people and support terror. You cant make a peace agreement with a 'nation' that divided so much, one say x and the other say y. I just wanted to comment that: Please dont let sites which talk about this conflict change your mindopinion so much,because everyone can use the facts and make it looks badgood as he wants. Try to keep on open mind and the Jews arent 'bad' people like it use to say in many places.
  5. Will I be able to change it later ? If yes,for what ? i have creative 128 sound card, what should i pick ?
  6. who did you mean ? The Israelis ? if yes you are wrong we are the good guys that try to make peace with the palestines that dont behave like humans. We try to stop terror but we cant because the fanatics of the palestines they want to destroy Israel at any cost and they dont care about us. btw Ege do u want real sources ? come to Israel you will see the real source dont check in sites that against Israel, they distort the things in a way that it will look like we are the one to blame. I dont see anything funny about blood.Shame on you!
  7. yes and yes 3.87 MB
  8. Egeides : If you think life in Israel are so simple come and live here u will see the real truth.
  9. i cant setup it because i have newer sound card so i dont take risks. so i tried to play through the exe and the dos file and it is written to me that the program will may have difficult to find some of its files, to continue the process ? i pressed on the button 'yes' and it didnt work. what can i do ?
  10. I just wanted to add that for example countried like France supports the Arbs instead of the Jews because economic interests.So you can listen to their case because they arent objective.
  11. i dled in a site that you posted,Anderw gave me the link to the topic. it was in a ZIP file. The site is: http://www.geocities.com/zaarin2k/downloads.html
  12. it sais that its not sure if he finds all the files of the game.then it seems that its working but it quit immediately. Its a MS-DOS file.
  13. About Oslo you should have know much better.About your questions i asnwered you all in my longer post above.Please read it. Meybe it looks like colonialism but u shouldnt belive because news like the CNN have arabs owners and they want us the jews to look like bad things. You must know that there are people in the world that hate jews before this fight with the palestines so they use it to make things and chaging them to make us look very bad, for example the case with the israeli police man and the injured guy. And Again Please Read My Answers Above.
  14. I have downloaded the game and it doesnt work. I have win 98 SE. Direct X 8.1 how can i solve this problem ? :(
  15. wow thx ;)
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