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Everything posted by vierge

  1. Of all the units that need to be balanced in Emporer, the Ixian Projector has the most urgent need. Build 3-5 of them and place them behind an assualt force. Immediate, deadly, and unlimited reinforcements are at your disposal. If you copy fremen, the copies retain the stealth ability and attack power. With 4 projectors, one can project 20+ infantry units in about 10-15 seconds. The cannon fodder potiential is insane. The projector makes the Ordos laser tank a worry of the past. Copy 4-8 of the opponents laser tanks (3-5 seconds of work). The projected tank does not have shields, but does have a laser. Boom! 'Nuff said. Why spend massive amounts of resources and factory time building the uber range units (Inkvines, Minotaurus, Kobras)? Build a few and supplement their numbers with copies. Spent the resourses saved to beef-up the support units for big boys. Projections make confusing and opponent easy. Flank a few projections to the other side of the opponents forces. Attack with either the projections or the main forces. Bring in the other group of units (who will then get free shots, if luck permits). Warning: Do NOT group projections closely together. A single mortar or flame attack can route many projections similtaneously (splash damage is horribly effective against projections). My initial thought was to use Ixian projectors with Guild NIAB tanks. One real tank could provide a huge, deadly, and insanely mobile attack force. I'll give Westwood credit for not letting this happen. To the best of my knowledge, NIAB projections do not fold space (aka teleport). Possibly the greatest asset to the Ixian projector is it's speed and manuverability. One can use these speedy vehicles to quickly create a completely expendable (read: NO cost save the projector cost) and deadly force. Their speed is comperable to a sand bikes and is vastly superior to infantry and mid to high tech factory units. The deploying animation is quick as well. Any comments on this post would be appreciated. I would also like to play some good Emporer players. Anyone is free to contact me for a game.
  2. The advanced carryall gets my vote for the best unit. They add a massive speed advantage to slow units as well as the ungodly ability to ignore terrain. Advanced carryalls, if used correctly, are premier economic destruction units. Harvesters are completely vulnerable to carryall. Pick the unit up and place it at your front door. Let your defenses maul the harvester. Using the advanced carryall, one can make the large, ranged units viable in hit and run strategies. Drop the death in and reign it out before the opponent is aware of the strike. Use the carryall to take map control and to contain your opponent. Haul a MCV to a buildable area close to the opponent's base, deploy, place static defense, and place unit producers. Move large groups to strategic high ground. Are you a Harkonen/Ixian who wants sonic tanks or deviators? Pick one up and leave it on the advanced carryall. Copy until your finger is bloody. The advanced carryall is almost as broken as the Ixian Projector. BTW: Starcraft is definitely the premier RTS. It has a mix of strategic combinations and community that has made Blizzard hated by most people in this channel.
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