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About This File

Goal: Bring prosperity to this water-poor land before your enemies make bantha fodder of you!

Author's Comments: Iron horses in the deserts of Tatooine, the arid homeworld of smugglers, jawas and the occasional jedi wannabe...

This scenario is designed for single play against computer opponents. I put this together fairly quickly, so I haven't made provisions for multiple players. If I receive enough requests I'm willing to take this map to a version 2.0, so feel free to send an email to me with feedback.

The land area is wide but quite navigable and resources are for the most part concentrated around the relatively few population centers. Rails may need to reach long distances for resources.

Population growth is rising, due to the Emperor's recent policy of forcing troublemakers on more populated planets into exile on Tatooine. However, a severe lack of resources and usable land hinders industrial development.

As I was making this scenario I attempted to locate any official SWars maps in hopes of being as faithful to that universe as possible. Unfortunately, the closest I got was a reference to a map which was printed on the box-backs of a few early toys. My apologies for any deviations from the established world-fiction. Any diehard fans who have information or suggestions to improve the map, let me know.

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