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Starship Troopers


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About This File

Goal: The Federation has secured a new planet previously inhabited by the arachnids. See if you can develop it before they return.

Author's Comments: After many years of terraforming the planet Kraken V and ridding it of the bug bests. (Basically dropping water ice asteroids on it). The humans have developed a good eco-system here. Only 10% of the water as earth and only 10% the plant life it neverless provides a critical supply point for the space fleet.

Some arachnids apparently have survived long hidden deep in the planet and have multiplied many times over. They now are trying to reclaim the surface.

Your job is to supply the many military bases and forts with enough troops to fight the menace. Also, you should be looking forward to the day you leave this place and return to earth. Once you leave here only your own cash will matter. Except the Federation may not send you back to earth if you have failed in your job of supplying the troops.

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