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Utopia 2


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About This File

Goal: The island of Utopia is a small kingdom. The eastern and southern plains and valleys of the island is mainly agricultural. The western part, coal, iron ore, and bauxite supplies the heavy industry.

Author's Comments: This map is an improved version of my UTOPIA (tsc). Recently I have developed a new map making technique:

1. Draw a grayscale map with the main elevation curves (Paint Pro-PCX).

2. In RRT editor lakes and rivers can be added.

3. Start a new company.

4. Lay the track with reserve cells and place cities with industrial settings.

5. Form the landscape. 6) Paint the landscape and plant trees

7. Set cash to zero

8. Remove the track or: Create an opening event featuring the following 2 effects: "Territory destroys all" and deactivate company, (trigger "true"). All tracks will then disappear in the the moment the map is started. It should now be possible laying a more realistic looking track!

PS: Use reserve cells beside the tracks in mountainous areas, because buildings can deform the landscape and spoil the trackbed. Remember, that the graphics in RRT2 are so, that when your building inclines, the track looks best going north/south and east/west.

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