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About This File

Tileset » Arrakis
Release » 2006-09-21
Players » Eight
Map Size » 256 * 256
Additional Info » Welcome to Voodooland commander. This training ground is designed to refine your skills and promote cooperation with other commanders. You will be pitted against an enemy of your choosing with one unique house technology to command. You may also choose up to two minor houses to help you in this exercise as well. Choose your technology and allies well commander because it could mean the difference between victory or defeat. -Map made by Duke Davis II. This map was designed for online or LAN gameplay only. Not recommended for Single skirmish Battles. Here is the concept of the map. Each player starts in the center of the map around the three center rocks. Once teams are choosen by the players, each MCV drives to either the west or east rock where the team bases can be built. By having all your teammates on one rock, on one will be left in a position surrounded by the enemy. Have fun and happy hunting commander. -Concept by Voodoo Daddy.

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