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Maps based in Europe.

112 files

  1. Goal: WWI has stalemated. Help France to win the war and then quickly rebuild the nation... who knows if Germany will become an ally or an enemy in the future?
    Author's Comments: The premise is that the human player will manage the French national railroad with the objective of preserving the state. Personal wealth is not a factor. The scenario begins halfway through World War I.
    I've tried to inject a sense of history into this scenario. Players can predict most major events (Armistice, Great Depression, rise of Nazi Germany, etc.) but they might not realize the impact of some of history's footnotes. I've also taken some liberty with the scope. French railroads probably wouldn't have single-handedly beaten Germany in 1940, but I think it gives a greater sense of purpose.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: This scenario must be played using the full financial model.
    191 0
  2. Goal: Eastern and Central Europe are building again. Growing economies and new opportunities await.
    Author's Comments: Scenario "eastern europe.mp2" (Eastern Europe) - fixes
    1) un-disabled Tire Factory (and discovered there were already several cities set up to have one)
    2) set for default European engines
    3) fixed computer starting cash (supposed to be +70K for all computer opponents, was set for multiplayer only)
    4) un-disabled Nuclear Plants, Uranium Mines, and Landfills, made sure they were set up in the various regions and cities
    5) fixed various reserve cells
    193 0
  3. Goal: Piemonte & Vall d'Aosta are two regions in the North-West of Italy. Connect Torino to the other chief towns and have fun hauling the autos of Fiat factories and the grape of Monferrato's vineyards.
    Author's Comments: The fourth map about Italian regions is ready now: it represents Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta, two regions in the North-West of Italy.
    Piemonte is the region where the unification of Italy began in the second half of the last century; in the chief town, Torino, there are the famous factories of FIAT; in Vercelli's province there are lots of rice fields, while Monferrato hills are rich of vineyards.
    Valle d'Aosta is a small montainous regions where people talk a dialect similar to French; it is famous for the presence of the highest mountain in Europe: Monte Bianco (almost 5000 meters high).
    As in the other maps of Italian regions there's no scenario: you may play starting in the year you want, with the number of competitors you desire, with RT2 classic or with the new engines and the new game strategies of TSC...
    166 0
  4. Author's Comments: This Scenario is Very Easy: You Start on Year 1974 after the Turkish Invasion. The Island is Divided by the Greeks in the South and the Turks in The North. You have Full Rights in the Greek-Cypriot Part , but not in the Northern Turkish-Cypriot Part. After the Invasion have U.K establish two Military-Bases in Cyprus , in the Greek Part of the Island. You must buy the Territory Rights to connect Derinia and Paralimni to the Rest of the Greek-Cyprus Part.
    To Connect the Turkish-Part and the Greek-Part of the Island you must Buy the Rights for the Northern part!
    205 0
  5. Goal: It is as historically accurate as possible within the game.
    Author's Comments: The PCX was obtained over the net from a man called Terry Sohl, a cartographer from the US.
    176 0
  6. Goal: France, 1830, the French rails are in your hand. Your mission is to create the national network, connecting the Mediterranean coast to the industrial north... From Marseille to Koln.
    Author's Comments: To make this Scenario we took a long time, as we wanted to create a whole new France, different from the map you find in the game. Initially we got the map from an Encyclopedia, then we transformed it into a grey scale image, with 5 tones of grey; Spain, Italy and Germany weren't on the map, so we had to invent them by getting the indications from an atlas. We also tried to follow the real geographic features and the distribution of the resources. There are the industrial area of the Ruhr, the farm area in the Vallée de la Loire, the woods are in the Alps and in the Pyrenees and the mines are in the Massif Central and in the Ruhr.
    The scenario has also some elements of real history: the "Carlist" war in the Spanish Peninsula will forbid building in Spain for six years; the 1948 revolution will create problems in the goodwill rate and so on.
    There are also some easter eggs, but we are not going to tell you. You surely are clever enough to find them in the editor...
    219 0
  7. Goal: In 1830, the German States are not yet united. Starting in Karlsruhe, the Capital of Baden, you need to help this country get along and bring 'em Wealth and Unity.
    Author's Comments: Starting Year: 1830
    Start Range: fix
    Map Size: 400-300
    Map Base: handmade
    Map Restrictions: Can't start companies, Cant start multiple companies
    Special Restrictions: You should play on experienced level
    Territories: Yes, 8 territories + 2 cities.
    Barred Industry: Coffee, Aluminium
    Player Pool: Europe
    Manager Pool: All
    Locomotive Pool: Custom
    Single Player: Scenario
    Computer Players: 3
    SP Gold Win: All of Silver plus connection to all territories plus haul 50 loads to France
    SP Silver Win: All of Bronze plus 50 Mio $ Company Net worth
    SP Bronze Win: 30 Mio $ Personal Worth before 1870
    SP Loss: Don't complete bronze requirements by Jan. 1870
    191 0
  8. Goal: Centurion. Expand our empire using this new iron chariot. Let all railroads lead to Rome.
    Author's Comments: The Senate and People of Rome.
    The ancient empires now have railroads.
    How well do they do against one another.
    You are a Centurion building your kings royal railroad.
    You must make it the greatest railroad in the known world.
    Personal wealth means nothing to you. The railroad comes first. (or does it?)
    Computer player restricted from your home territory for a period of years.
    Multi-player. Random starting territory. Each player is assigned a starting territory. Goes in order: Rome, Carthage, Macedonia, Parthia, Egypt, back to Rome.
    Computer player is restricted to its own territory for first 4 years.
    231 0
  9. Goal: With the Cold War on, things are a bit constricted. You begin in Austria.
    Author's Comments: Scenario "austria.mp2" (Austria) - fixes
    1) CompanyVariable1 and city ID# listed incorrectly in Munich to Vienna connection event - fixed
    2) fixed message text for Munich to Vienna connection
    3) fixed various reserve cells
    240 0
  10. Goal: Munich without a light rail system? This is unthinkable.
    Author's Comments: Note: this was one of the original campaign maps from Railroad Tycoon II: The Second Century (campaign pt. 11, #e11camp.mp2)
    1) removed the "CampaignChoice1To3=" and "CampaignDifficulty1To3=" events
    229 0
  11. Goal: Rumänien - kein armes Land an Bodenschätzen und dennoch eines der ärmsten Europas. Eine menschenverachtende politische Führung, Korruption und brutalste Polizeimassnahmen haben ganze Arbeit geleistet.
    Author's Comments: Feel free to build a railroad-system in Rumania. It is an open end game with historic informations. Notice, that the most cities has old names (very different from modern names). The Newsletters are in German/English language (mixed).
    Like in all my maps, industries and woods are on the right place. Surely, not all industries worked on the same times but I mean, that is no problem for a game!
    256 0
  12. Author's Comments: In history there was only a little railroad in the region of iraklion.
    Now you can roll over the whole island.
    No missions - have fun.
    224 0

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