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First off, my comp's stats:

233 Mhrz :P (sux, don't it?)

64 MB ram

Win 98

I can play pretty well, but have been unable to finish with any house due to the fact that more than 10 minutes into the final level, 3 seconds of game play takes almost a minute to play. My internet connection sucks too. (See sig.)

My questions are these:

What is this "rules.txt" thing a friend sent me?

Corrolary ?'s: Where do I put it? Is it worth using? What does it do?

I also have a set of files that can give you the large windtrap, the smuggler's quad (from the original game), the Ix an Guild mega-cannons, Tlexeiu living turret, and a few other things I can't recall off the top of my head. What's your opinion?

I also have a set of files that allow you to set you in-game color to gray, instead of the regular choices. What are your opinions on that?

Any info you can give me would be GREATLY appreciated.


My opinion: i'm confused ???

I can

a. move this to dune editing. ???

b. move this to technical support. ???

c. keep it here. ???

I'll give my opinions, guess this'll stay here untill someone else moves this.

1. Yes you do have a lack of mhrz :P

2. The rules.txt is a list of units and their proporties, changing the rules.txt would mean that you change unit's speed, armour, weapons etc. depending on what you change.

3. (no comment)

4. I thought that there were only 8 colours? can you choose between 9?

I also have a set of files that can give you the large windtrap, the smuggler's quad (from the original game), the Ix an Guild mega-cannons, Tlexeiu living turret, and a few other things I can't recall off the top of my head. What's your opinion?

I also have a set of files that allow you to set you in-game color to gray, instead of the regular choices. What are your opinions on that?

You have these files???



can you send me it? ;)


As to the grey and extra units thing, they are a series of .tga files I found on the net. I'll put them in a zip file here.

I still would like info on how to use the rules.txt file. I'm reluctant to use it without advice for rear of messing up my game.[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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