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2) Show me where it says he admitted from day one that this was the way it is.

no, Acriku, you are the one making the accusation of a lie. Back up the accusation that he lied with a quotation, not some liberal/communist/socialist anti-bush hater who falsely accuses him of lying. I want to read a direct quote of him saying "I DID NOT GET ARRESTED FOR DRINKING AND DRIVING"

until you present that quote (you do have the burden of proof), you have no rational or moral right to call him a liar.

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Ah, so whoever says anything bad about Bush they are immediately a liberal/communist/socialist anti-bush hater. I get where you are coming from now. We must accept Bush's holiness and purity or we are committing treason (oh lordy lord!). It all makes sense now. Laying the burden of proof upon me is just another act of laziness. Sure it may be correct philosophically, but it is for the lazy. Or the people who know they are wrong but don't want to admit it so they use the burden of proof on the other person, as to redirect the attention. Oh my god it all makes sense now.

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Laying the burden of proof upon me is just another act of laziness. Sure it may be correct philosophically, but it is for the lazy. Or the people who know they are wrong but don't want to admit it so they use the burden of proof on the other person, as to redirect the attention. Oh my god it all makes sense now.

let me explain to you why I laid it on you:

because I have millions of people all over the world AND the US accusing Bush of being evil, manipulative, deceitful, liar, ect. ect- none of which is backed by desired facts

you can rest assured that of all the endless accusations against Bush, I'm not going to do the work for all the lazy accusers. quote me his lies and we can discuss it. till then i dismiss it.

it all makes sense now

yea, accuse a man of lying without citing his lie.

i would never do that to anyone.

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Why in the world would I have to quote his exact lie if I can just quote a passage that explained his lying? Oh wait no, I found his lie:

Bush JR - "I did not get arrested for drunk driving, and I deny all accusations of such a crime.

I made this quote up, but hey how would you know, since I just quoted it, which is what you asked for?

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if bush was caught in a lie, it would not be discreet. there are millions of people craving for such. therefore if your only source is a discreet one, it is meaningless. I think that all humans tell lies so Im sure George W Jr has told a lie before. But what I'm concerned about is not some lie he may have told privately to someone in his past, but I'm concerned about lies that PRESIDENT G.W.Bush has told TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC in order to manipulate/deceive/get votes. Those lies would NOT be discreet. If your source is discreet, then i dismiss it as a lie unto itself, or else it is a personal lie he may have told at one time like all humans do that has no real bearing upon his ability to be a moral president.

I am looking for lies that take advantage of his position of power. Those will not be discreet.

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Oh so if you lie to the public while president it is bad, but lying while not is acceptable? I smell something here. If he lies at all, his integrity lowers by a lot. You lie once, most likely you are going to lie again, and again, and again. Especially while President, since the consequences of the truth hurt more.

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lol ok Acriku- nice to see your criteria of a President is a perfect human being.

Good luck finding one! LOL

Anyway, here is my criteria regarding lying for a president:

It is acceptable for a human being who has lied in the past to become a leader. i have no problem with this. that is because "he who is without sin cast the first stone."

it is unacceptable for a leader to use his position of power to actively lie in order to manipulate potential supporters and deceive those who support you. Bush does not do that. Therefore he is an acceptable leader.

but for Acriku- I guess that since you are the (only) morally perfect person alive, perhaps you would do a better job? Since obviously everyone else is.....let me quote your language here...(scrolls up)...unacceptable?

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you asked me while implying that just because a human being may have lied about soemthing that equates to him being unacceptable as a leader. u should be more clear in your posts because i scrolled up and you said you "smell somthething" which means you are NOT just asking an innocent question, you are IMPLYING

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I implied that lying at all shows a lack of leadership, in which integrity is a must. You don't just go into presidency with a sudden surge of leadership, your past reflects on what you might do in the future. You inferred everything and anything else.

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so he lied in the past...big deal. there is no proof of him lying at all as president, as governor of texas or whatever. maybe he told a lie to his mommy when he was 11 years old. i'm sure the media would report that if they found out. but i really dont care. if he is lying as a leader, i want to know about it. not some discreet lie he might have told when he was 16.

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You cannot give someone terra rasa just because they assume a leader position. Bush's past acts, at the age of 30(!) prove how far he will go to hide the truth. If he has the need to, he will do it again. You don't just relieve yourself of all sins and immorals when becoming president.

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You cannot give someone terra rasa just because they assume a leader position. Bush's past acts, at the age of 30(!) prove how far he will go to hide the truth. If he has the need to, he will do it again. You don't just relieve yourself of all sins and immorals when becoming president.

lol thats what i thought. you WERENT just asking me. Again, cut this past acts nonsense. he drank alcohol aicriku.



man sometimes you really get on my nerves. O wait. 1,234,583 years from now, my descendents will be barred from public office by your descendents because their great great great great.....great great great grandpa said a swear word.



Again, quote me Bush's lies else just shut up with it.

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Well what do you want to do? He hasn't even been punished for it, and has covered it from the public. Other people go to jail and fined a lot of money.

what do i want to do? lets see, drinking and driving 30 years ago. lets toss him in prision for life, impeach him from office, and revoke his citizenship. Hard labor prison camps.


you are a nut head acriku. Get the world leaders together, and how many of them have actually murdered people? GW Bush, with his drinking and driving incident 30 years ago (and already paid for that btw) is a saint compared to all the REAL immoral leaders in this world. If that is the best you can do in trying to character assasinate someone, then I'd say he's an extremely honorable man. If the best someone can do to attack a world leader is pull up a minor mistake from 30 years ago....if that IS ALL YOU HAVE< then I'd say that person is one of the most righteouss of all the world's politicians- and probably better than many of the people on these boards.

It takes very little effort to find immorality against someone who is truly wicked. Shall we begin with your politicians? But the BEST that all those bush-haters could do- all accross the world- is come up with 1 mistake he made 30 years ago. WOW. He's SOOOOO horrible! What a rotten person!! ROFL!!

Before you condemn someone for something so utterly rediculous...

Have you looked in the mirror lately?

I think that if by the time you are 50+ years old, if the only dirt on you that 200+ million people can come up with is one single non-violent minor mistake you made back when you were 30, then you would probably be extremely well respected.

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Emperor, time is not relevant, it shows a lack of responsibility, and judgement, but I guess since that's his ONLY crime since he is a "saint" (rofl) we can turn the other cheek right? Yeah that's what our country is all about after all!

I'm not saying he isn't capable of being a great leader, and probably is already, but he is NOT a saint. He is far from perfect. He is a human being. Thank you come again!

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well duh! of course he isn't a saint. No rational person expects a moral leader to be a perfect person. Honesty though is to be expected and to admit when you do wrong. People will forgive you. LYING when you do wrong is bad. Look, Acriku-, you've had several hours to "google" your way around the net looking for lies that GW Bush has said. ANd by your lack of response, this whole conversation is futile.

I can find tons of lies from president Clinton in all of say...1 minute...but not on Bush. How refreshing it is to finally have an honest president here. I tell it like it is Acriku. I dont support everything America does. Im the first one to admit that we have our shares of LIARS, SCOUNDRELS, and CHEATS in high places- our last President, for example. But GW Bush is not among them.

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Why would I waste my hours trying to prove this to you? I could never prove it to you, even if I provide links, you will just find them to be liberal/communist/socialist anti-bush haters. Like this link here: http://www.realchange.org/bushjr.htm which is where I got the drunk driving info. You will count it as merely liberal/communist/socialist anti-bush hater propaganda right?

Wow you can find dirt on Clinton, consider yourself one of millions. You are not the first to admit, we all have admitted that before. It was just a matter of time until you did yourself. Welcome to the club now.

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Bush hasn't done anything "wrong" in his time in office. I haven't read the rest of the posts but if your talking about his past, then it should stay there (drunk driving?).

He's done his job well during his time in office. He has handled major challenges (sept. 11) quite well and surrounded himself with even more capable people (Colin Powell). I am not Republican or Democrat, just judging based on what I've observed.

He can't be blamed for the recession, that was underway before he started. His challenge (and what people will base their next vote on) is whether he can fix it come next election. The war in Afghan. was handled well. Many predicted lots of Am. lives would be lost but they weren't, and the Taliban fell in surprising time. Al-Queda's ability, believe it or not, has been diminished since then.

Most people who dislike (including someone from my own family) do so simply because they don't like democrats or because they just don't like something about him. They decided this based on something about him before he even got into office.

If he lies under oath, let me know, but otherwise, let him be.

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uhhh, wow aicriku, drunk driving info from 30 years ago.

you know why I call that stupid commie anti-bush hate propoganda? BECAUSE IT IS IRRELEVANT! 30 YEARS AGO IS GRASPING FOR STRAWS. If you make yourself into a person that routinely digs up stuff like that against people, you are despicable. I dont even do that to Clinton.

If it was murder, rape, voilent crime, then we would have another story. But this was a nonviolent act that hurt no one and that was paid for. AND IT WAS 30 YEARS AGO. Do you normally do this to people Acriku? Are you that cheap? Are you really that much of a scoundrel that you would hold your condemnation and rebuke over someone for such a rediculous thing? Anyone who pracitces such bigotry is a worthless lump of organic matter. I am serious. Attacking people for mistakes they made that long ago when you yourself are NO BETTER is morally reprehensible. That entire website is a bigoted hypocritical waste bucket. Heres a quote from that communist website:

"the most explosive allegation so far; that Bush played air guitar to a Foghat record at a party in the late 1970s. But he won't deny it, either. "



Its one thing to be angry at someone for comitting wrong WHILE IN OFFICE. Its one thing to be angry at someone for ABUSING THEIR POWER. It is quite another to go back 30 years on someone who held no office and had no power, and then make a website about it as if you are some "holier than thou". Furthermore the idea that people cannot reform or change is repugnant. Some of the greatest inspirational people who ever lived came out of a life of selfish arrogance- then they learned lessons and changed. But when it comes to Bush....noooooooooooooo. If he played air guitar back in 1975, that makes him an awful person.

Look in the mirror Acriku because that kind of intolerant character assasination disgusts me. I am stunned that you heartily approve of that kind of low-life dirt-digging. Do you normally do this to people? God, I hope not.

Amazes me how utterly wicked, heartless, and cruel human beings are. No religion needed. People are just plain born wicked.

As much as I dislike Bill Clinton, I dont make it a habit to dig up crap from 30 years ago on ANYONE (unless it was violent crime that has not been paid for).

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Why would I waste my hours trying to prove this to you? I could never prove it to you, even if I provide links,

because no proof exists. And looking for it actually is a waste of time. Millions try constantly to do so and the most they get is old irrelevant crap. I am not asking that you prove a human being in his 50's has made mistakes. I am of the persuasion that all human beings by the time they are 50 years old will have made mistakes in their past.

But here is what I am aksing you prove:


that is what is important, Aicriku. Not some "air guitar" playing back in the 70's.

lol, cmon man.

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