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Just a little clearing up...


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Lots of people have been emailing me with problems saying that they activate maps that use other tilesets and they don't show up correctly in the game. This is not a problem with any of the software, either Dune 2000 or SH2K. The problem is that people aren't USING the software correctly in the first place.

The way Dune 2000 works, you can only have one tileset available at any one time. When you run Dune 2000, it will use its current tileset for ALL ACTIVATED MAPS. If you activate a map that uses BLOXICE and D2K is set up to use BLOXBGBS you will get a messy looking map. Whenever you want to change the current tileset, you need to use the combo box in the map activator. This will change the tileset D2K uses, and will be saved when the map activator is closed (but not cancelled).

In order to change tilesets, I had to make a backup copy of the BLOXBGBS tileset, and overwrite it with the tileset you wish to use. Therefore, changing the current tileset will probably affect single player mode as well. Change back to BLOXBGBS before playing single player.

I hope this has cleared these issues up. Have fun!

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