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SH2K v2.0.0 Beta Screenshot


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Well, I decided to just get my arse into gear and do some work on the new SH2K, and I couldn't be stuffed learning Delphi or waiting for the 'other guy' (no names mentioned) to help me out with it, so I started from scratch in VB.

Here's a screenshot of v2.0.0, work in progress. It doesn't do any editing at the moment, I've just got the interface finished.

It's gonna be really cool, cos it's fully skinnable, and comes with a default (although pretty crap) skin. I'm good at 3d art, but pretty shoddy at 2d...

Here's the link, but beware, it's pretty low compression:

http://sh2k.dune2k.com/upload/sh2k_v2b.jpg (104kb)

Don't expect any miracles too soon, but I'd say I'm about 15% to a final product (and that's after 3 days work).

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