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Dune 2000: Rise Of The Mercenaries Difficulty


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So far I've had a lot of feedback from players letting me know that they enjoyed mission 2 a lot due to the very high difficulty they had with completing it. With that in mind, I'm not sure how hard I should make the final mission. As it stands, it's easily the hardest mission I have ever played, and would take a very skilled player to actually complete. Rather then adjust the difficulty based on my preferences, I would like the community to vote on it.

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The poll has closed. Results from the poll we held to determine the difficulty of Rise Of The Mercenaries mission 3 are in.

As you can see, the majority of the voters (a whopping 82%) decided they would like mission 3 to be harder then mission 2, with 26% of those total votes wanting the difficulty to be very hard. With these results, we can summarize that  most Dune players are looking for a challenge when they play the expansion. This data is very important and will be weighed heavily when balancing the difficulty in the final product.
Thanks for the feedback everyone!
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