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Complex Object Tech Trees


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I wanted to discuss a possibility to hide various advanced units within the tech trees of Emperor. The  object here is to encourage capturing buildings and fighting large numbers of opponents. This is actually fairly straightforward although it is in practice a bit challenging. In the original game there is a special unit that is buildable with the Starport, such as the Sonic Tank, Devastator, or Deviator. That is accomplished with the "Secondary Building =" function and this can be set to a certain number of other buildings, such as Ordos or Harkonnen, Atriedes, subhouse, etc. Therefore, it is quite possible to set a unit that can be built in a Atreides factory (PrimaryBuilding = ATFactory), that needs a Harkonnen Factory or Palace to be available (SecondaryBuilding = HKFactory).

Since each house has certain characteristic balance issues, for instance, Ordos self repair and Harkonnen don't slow from damage, this new unit could combine the best features of both sides. So a Harkonnen-Ordos Dustmite can destroy spice like a buzzsaw, fire plasma cannons, and slow very slightly when under fire, while still self healing and being fast. A new Harkonnen-Atriedes Plasma Trooper could become Elite at the highest levels. A Ordos-Atreides Ornithopter could deviate targets, be faster, although lighter with less armor.

A grand unit can also become available through a new building. For instance, make the construction of a building dependant, like above for the units, on the HK and AT construction yards. When you are possession of both AT and HK construction yards, you build this building. Now it is possible to set this buidling as the secondary or primary building in construction of a special unit, with the ORFactory being linked to this unit in one one way or another, secondary/primary. Therefore, a grand unit could become available to use in the war effort.

I've tried it out and the key concepts work well. It is vastly more entertaining to launch an attack and actually have to secure the area with a minimum of destruction and then have to turn around and defend that area from attacks by the computer/other players.

A secondary benefit is that this approach alters gameplay and balance issues too, so one side such as the Harkonnens can be built stronger as they have no dedicated APC and would suffer in the long run against an enemy that could more easily capture buildings and build special units.

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