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Harkonnen Mission 4 VS. The Ordos

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in harkonnen mission 4 (i think, it's the first one with tanks) how would i go about defeating the ordos as those evil, greedy, slimeballs constantly tank rush me in an extremely primitive fashion. i can never launch an offensive as their base defense is extremely good (i never knew a raider could kill a tank   ;D) also, how would i kill those sand worms? my havesters keep on getting munched.

i'm not like a n00b or anything, i just got dune 2 off kazaa the other day, since i haven't played it forever ;D and i seem to have lost my ability to crush the enemy easily (too much red alert 2 and homeworld, perhaps? :-[) so anyway, please give me a few suggestions on what i could do, thanks alot in advance  ;D


Start building you refinery, then a radar and then a light vehice factory and then a heavy factpry. Then build 2-3 Harvesters. And then constantly Combat Tanks. Put all your tanks you have at the point where the Ordos attack.

Also try to explore the important buildings of the Ordos.

When you have that much tanks you aren't able to build more. Switch the game speed to slowest and let all your tanks attack the conyard, then the factories. Don't pay attention to any enemy unit.

When you have taken out the conyard, factories and barracks. You can take out all units, and then the other buildings

(Keep building tanks, when you lose one, build a new one)

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