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  1. well, i tried it again, but to no avail. so i pushed on to the Harkonen capital, and then the Sarduakar allied. I beat the game yesterday. Some what dissapointing. I just used two Fedykine and took out the worm, and it was over. ohh well
  2. well i destroyed all the tellaxiu waves that came. And then moved to the enemy base and destroyed everything except a refinery. But there was never a message. Is there something i have to do to help the first group or sarduakar??
  3. Hey everyone, this is my first post. Anyways, i`m playing through the Ordos campaign, and i`m at a mission where i`m supposed to find a Sarduakar column that has been seperated from it`s command after being attacked by tellaxiu. So, i look around for them on the map, and find them south of my base. They are just running around like morons. Then, they run around my base, and head north. Then they all turn into Tellaxiu contaminators. And so, i kill all of them, and a freighter lands in my base, and it says that the Sarduakar are sending reinforcements. Thenm after it lands, it says that have been contaminated by the tellaxiu. And so i destroy all the invading tellaxiu, and destroy the enemy base. And then on the debriefing it says that i didn`t not find the Sarduakar, and it was a wasted oppurtounity!! so what happend?? Did i do it right or what?? thanks in advance everyone!!
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