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  1. single player
  2. ill tell you what i know is i have 14 GB avaliable, Windows 98, Pentium 4 processer,9. Dir. x. I think that it could be i need a better vidio card and sound card but its the only game that I play where it goes slow i also tried to put the +W and it froze up when i used that so I dont know
  3. yeah well if you can ever get it to work right join us it goes maximum speed with me too but after you get used to it it isnt so hard anymore
  4. hello i have a problem with emperor it goes slow as heck and i dont know why ive tried everything and i have plenty of space on my computer but it always goes slow can anyone help me? Acid
  5. thats ok at least you have a problem with online game but most i guess think that the game is to old but thanks for repling :)Acid
  6. shy any time any where it dosent matter cause ill do what i do best lose :D
  7. ithought that the movie was cool hey do you ever play dune online? cause its pretty cool. and we need new people i just found out today that they made a book about it and that sounds interesting
  8. Dune 2000 online is starting to die we need new people to join before its to late. There is no better place to go than there everyone is nice to anyone and everyone who is new and we train everyone you think that your not good enough well will train even the worst. I love to play online its exciting and its fun. I hope to see some of you there. :) your fellow duner Acid 517
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