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Everything posted by razor

  1. razor


    server is still down so cannot do what you'r asking me for .. how big is it
  2. could i help with testing or.. do i have to be a vip? :'(
  3. razor


    its not the bom butt sure! wanna send me ? (i prefer e-mail)
  4. cant wait till its downloadeble 8) i know it has something to do with that butt .. o well probably no release date set?
  5. I saw many things in mods ::) duh , but i saw also things that i only saw on an image.. >:( like an example: an hkflamer but not with a flame gun but with a plasma-particel gun sortof. (i had the same idea but never made any succes) SO does anybody know how?
  6. how about buildings then (i'm talking about incidental l.o.l) like a bubblehouse that does nothing (yet) ?? :-X whoops...
  7. razor


    yeah i saw pritty much like 10 or something , but all spread between mods.. is there any (easy) way to combine them? in 1 file so i can use them.
  8. razor


    Are there any people that have made some icons for in the building menu's?
  9. how to use it and what files do i have to open. and what can i edit then?
  10. ok, i tried to send to your IM-box but was full ::) (ofcourse) so how could i unlock the incidental units: [iNYak] and [iNYakHauder] if its posible
  11. is there somebody that has made icons for the generals for in the infantry-building menu?
  12. tnx Frodo just what I needed, sad that not many people knew how to add the generals :'( hopefully I am not the only 1 that used your handy info
  13. how to add a general into your mod? or at least enable to the game :-[
  14. o sure, it was nice to try and play, i almost thought it was a tc (total conversion) but for example : there was just 1 infanty man in the first house (cant remember wichone) green i thought ::) at the good side, there must be many effort put into this mod. and it was a whole new look and sure i was emazed , even a hour or so 8)
  15. razor

    Unit Editor

    wow, not that easy i see :'( probably takes a lot of time to figure out how to work with it >:(
  16. Somehow I just know that you can't alter the number of houses but what about the sub-houses? just 5 or can you alter it to as many as you would like? probably not, but like to know. ;)
  17. well what is the chance that all people have the same mod installed.. :- only if you make a deal with them so that everybody is going to install it :'( and i bet there are much people that wouldn't like to install a other mod becouse they like their one already :-X
  18. tnx already but, were to put the operational~~~blablabla enz.zzn ? ::)
  19. well i've tried this mod, after all i expected probably to much becouse its a great try butt i think the units are not well balanced and there could be much more improvements be
  20. razor

    Unit Editor

    what is the XBF editor and were to download?
  21. ok, thanks a lot but is that time in gtm Amsterdam and so on?
  22. I just have bin into multiplayer games with emperor :'( but just a question, I mean: How does mods work at multiplayer games? Is it that the mod of the host will work or whatever? :-[ P.S Not much people out there are they ? Some1 has explaind me wy there are not much people anymore butt can any1 explain it again?
  23. razor

    Unit Editor

    Well if there would be a real unit-editor that you can change the look of them .. 8)
  24. 8) Well its just a mod right? I don't wanna make people mad about a mod.. :- I'v got already great thoughts about how to make and stuff butt any1 some tips and tricks?
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