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Everything posted by ayer05

  1. Something to chew over... http://davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr30.html ...just don't choke on the bones. ;)
  2. http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0308-09.htm I feel like we're all in kindergarten class... the teacher has gone to the loo... whoever is left standing is going to have to sit in the corner and 'think really hard' about what they just did.
  3. Would any Dictator allow his people to take up arms and defend its country against any invading army? There are so many factions of people in Iraq, it would best be divided into seperate countries, with their own leaders....BUT...after the gulf war, when the US retreated, they gave the Kurds that they had just 'liberated' back to the Iraqi army...why? Because it is easier to invade one country in a state of inter-termoil, then raise a campaign to invade many countries @ once...and so the son comes back to finish the fight.
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