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  1. But who cares about copyright over the net nowdays anyway, especially for such an old program. You can download just anout anything using things like Kazaa.com
  2. mattleicesteruk

    Dune Music

    It did exist for Megadrive / Genesis depending on where your from. It was ok, kinda like a simplified version of dune 2 pc. Impressive for a 16 bit console, though. You could download a ROM of the sega game and listen to it on there, and somehow record it. Just a thought but it might work!
  3. Writing it here instead of replying to your thread so u do see the reply. It IS possible to enable enough extended memory! Im using Win98 dunno if thats different to you. I did it a while ago, no one seemed to know how so i just messed around and eventually got it. Ive since formatted hdd and hvent tried since and i dont no too much about pcs. But ill try and do it again tonight, and if it works ill let u know how
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