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  1. Thucyides

    New Mod

    Kingpin, in new clothes: Working on the Version .01 of the Mod. This will be highly unbalanced but I will release it, hopefully next week, to demonstrate a proof of concept and hopefully encourage other people to offer criticism and hatemail. Most of the units are more or less done, but I need to troubleshoot the whole package. I expect to release maybe ten-twelve new units, at the expense of cannibilizing a few old ones. Check back in later.
  2. For unit ideas with subhouse connections, what about a siege worm, like in the original movie (in the attack on the Emperor's Frigate), where the Fremen rider fires a sonic blast to strike ground targets, or even use against a base. A Chaos Leech would be devastating (imagine being leeched and having the infected vehicles kill each other and all repair vehicles off, helping spread the plague), but you need to incorporate a second gun onto the Leech model through the XBF. A Smuggler-Harkonnen Assassin that operates devastating hunterseekers (think very slow [spd<6] missiles without the trails) from cover (ie Stealth) and great distances (i.e. over a range of at least 30) against only infantry (using the Contaminator logic) with poison tips (Gassed=True). I have a revenge-equipped AdvCarryall, that when shot down explodes with a splat to damage the offending ground units, that I'm troubleshooting. How about a Flak gun that fires air-burst rounds. I haven't got around to implementing this, but give the bullet the damage column function, assign it with the aerialexplosion, and give it area effect, and voila, a neat little turret to break enemy air power, and punish ground units alike. What I would like to see is a tank or armor unit with, no kidding, a real lethal main gun and a machine gun. Tanks are supposed to be the kings of the battlefield, and not their cattle, penned in for slaughter. That requires a bit of XBF modding, but might be worthwhile, especially as a superunit.
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