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  1. I have the next few days off, make a time, and ill be there. As long as it isnt on weekends.
  2. Im really sorry that the matches are taking forever for you. I unfortunately asked Vilgent for a reschedule due to the fact that I have to work all day on weekends. He was gracious enough to change the time, but unfortuneately we havent been able to play each other. I've IM him yesterday to set a time and ill be there no matter what but it seems that he hasn't gotten the message yet. But what I'm really trying to say is that we are putting effort into getting the game going, but sometimes life just holds you back a little too much and things don't work out. But once again, im sorry for the delay guys.
  3. Novaspy vs Dukewest Winner: Novaspy GG duke, the fact that you were so far up the tech tree so fast really scared the crap outta me, if I wasn't able to pull off that rush im sure i would have been screwed. Once again, GG.
  4. Fremen_mentat and I were scheduled to play at GMT 11:00 am because I wasn't able to make it at the first scheduled time. However its 11:12 am and I'm still waiting in the lobby. Chances is are there was a misunderstanding and were going to have to play later because im only going to be waiting another 10 min. Sorry for the delay.
  5. zilents *FEW* - zilents - 27th of Jan. - 2:00am GMT Novaspy - Novaspy - 27th of Jan. - 4:00am GMT Although we didn't play on those times, me and zilents scheduled a game for today. I won the match, but it was a very close game. GG zil.
  6. w00t this is great, sign me up please. Nickname: Novaspy Location: Canada, BC
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